Chapter Four: Meet the Family

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"Jet get down here! Come on! I have a surprise!" my dad yells. I remember this day. I shoot out of bed and rush down the stairs as fast as my little 7 year old legs can take me.

"Yes daddy? What is it?!"

"Well, since it's your 7th birthday, we got you a little somethin somethin."

My dad pulls out a hamster cage, a single Chinese Dwarf Hamster sitting in the pile of bedding, stuffing his face with seeds and nuts. My eyes grow wide as I open the cage and pick him up.

"OH MY GOSH HE'S SO CUTE!" I screech. My dad and mom laugh warmly.

"Well, what's his name going to be sweetie?" my mom asks.

"Errmmm, Nutmeg."

"Nutmeg? Are you sure?" my dad asks.

"Absolutely positive."

"Okay. He's yours. You have to take care of him okay? Clean his cage, give him fresh water and food, play with him. You promise?"

"I promise daddy! I do I really do!" I say, petting Nutmeg's soft fur. My dad plants a soft kiss on my forehead and a smile breaks across my face...

"What happened?" a male voice asks.

"Tony was shot and killed, right in front of her." says a man who sounds vaguely familiar.

"Oh my gosh. That had to be horrible for her. I can't even imagine what she's going through." says the other man.

"No. No you can't" I say, my eyes still shut. I open them and stare at the two men. One is Coulson, the other a person I have never seen before.

"Jet, this is Agent Clint Barton or Hawkeye. Agent Barton, this is Miss Jet Stark." Coulson says politely.

"I told you just to call me Jet." I say a little too harshly. I want to apologize but, with everything I just went through, I think I'm allowed to be a little snappy. I unbuckle myself out of the helicarrier seat. Agent Clint Barton shakes my hand firmly.

"You can just call me Clint. Or Barton. Or uh, your dad's nickname for me which was Legolas." he says, dropping his eyes to the ground at the mention of my dad.

"Just call me Jet or Stark." I say.

"Listen, I'm really sorry about everything you had to go through today but know your Avenger's family is behind you. Even though you dad probably never mentioned us or delivered the letters we ask him to give you." Clint says. I nod my thanks and look down at the ground again, tears pooling in my eyes.

"Jet are you okay?" Clint asks, raising my chin up. He wipes a tear with the side of his thumb.

"Jet?" I break and fall into his open arms. I sob into his chest, hugging on to him as tight as I can. He hugs me back just as tight and rests his chin on my head.

"It's going to be okay Jet." he says in a soothing voice, but somehow it makes me mad and my anger explodes.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?! I just saw my dad die and everyone just says 'It's gonna be okay' or 'you'll be fine'. How do you know that?"

"Because you're a strong girl and you have support. You have us, your mom, J.A.R.V.I.S., your friend Jaylinn-"

"How do you know about Jaylinn?!" I snap, breaking apart our hug and ending the tears.

"We know almost everything about you. Your favorite type of sandwich is peanut butter and marshmallow fluff. Your favorite breakfast food is french toast with cinnamon on it and powdered sugar and syrup on top. You can't get through the day with out your mug of french vanilla flavored coffee with lots of sugar and some milk." he says confidently. I swallow the ever growing lump in my throat. All of that is true.

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