Chapter Twenty Nine: Welcome to the Family

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Jet's POV

        I glance to my left every once in a while to make sure Liza is still really there. I'm still working on wrapping my mind around the fact that Liza is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and working with me in the lab creating new weapons for the suit. I sit at my workbench rewiring a small missile. Bruce works on god knows what but is still leaning over the infamous microscope. I roll my eyes and smile. I turn back to my work, eyes focusing on the wires in front of me. I thread wires into both sides of a connector and crimp it in the middle with my crimping tool. I take my heat gun and begin melting the connector onto the wires. I push the wires back into the shell of the missile and close it up. I pick up the completed product and stare at it in my hand. I turn it over in my hands, taking in every single angle.

        "What do yah think J.A.R.V.I.S?" I ask.

        "Very good ma'am. Should be pretty powerful. You may want to work on shaving off some of the weight in your feet." J.A.R.V.I.S. says to me in his polite voice.

        "Oh yeah! Thank you J.A.R.V.I.S."        

        "No problem ma'am."

        "What would I do without you?"

        "Probably crash and burn ma'am."

        "Probably" I glace down at the file of weapons my dad planned to build and choose my next assignment. My dad's scratchy writing covers the page, circles around important information and notes next to highlighted lines.

        "How can you guys work in the silence?! God it gives me a headache!" I say looking at Bruce and Liza. They both shrug and return to their work. "Well, can I play some music? Like do you guys care?"

        "I don't." Bruce says. "I'm used to it because your dad couldn't work without music either."

        "Knock yourself out." Liza says. I smile.

        "Hey J.A.R.V.I.S.?"

        "Yes ma'am?"

        "Play some Avenged Sevenfold." Without missing a beat, the familiar sounds of "Nightmare" fill the room. I bang my head slightly as the famous guitar riffs fill the room. I walk over to Liza, stretching my legs out.

        "So I have a question." she says. I pick up the small pointy metal rod that's by her. I turn on the small electric current and stare at it.        

        "And I may have an answer. It depends on the question. Ask away."

        "What does J.A.R.V.I.S. stand for?

        "Just A Rather Very Intelligent System."

        "Oh okay. So he's basically your butler." I shove the pointy object with the small electric object into her side. She yelps and lets out a small "Ow!"

        "Never call him a butler. He is so much more than you can imagine. He's the only true family I have left." I snap.

        "Okay geeze." she says, rubbing her side and cringing. I turn the pointy thing off and set it back down on her table. I walk back to my work bench and slide my safety glasses on. I pull out the various materials needed to make the new weapon. I stare at the paper, confused by some of the numbers and names listed.

        "Hey Bruce?" I ask, my eyes falling on one line: If help is needed, consult Point Break (Thor Odinson).

        "Yeah?" he says, glancing up from his microscope and looking at me.

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