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I get laid down on a bed and Peeta is squeezing my hand to reassure me everything is going to be okay. I want to punch him for doing this to me but instead I smile and say "I love you." The doctor rushes in and tells me how things are going to work. "Okay, Mrs.Mellark I am going to count to 10 an I need you to push." "OK. IT IS MS.EVERDEEN!" I can see the worry on Peeta's face. He probably thinks I don't love him anymore.  I try to give him a reassuring look but I am in so much pain it probably looks like I am going to lash out on him like he does to me. Peeta can tell I am in pain and he doesn't look to good. He grips the back of a chair until the flashbacks are gone. Then I hear her. I hear our daughter. Peeta looks up and rushes over to see her. "Congratulations you two. It's a girl." "Oh,Peeta look at our little girl. We made this little angel. Peeta, she has your eyes." "She is my daughter.  Real or not real?" " Real" "What is her name?" "Julianna Grace Mellark." "What a beautiful name. "Thank you." I say gracefully. "Why you are quite welcome." "I picked out the name myself"I say this confidently.

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