Chapter 7

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Chloe brought beca into the bathroom and set her in the shower. "Ok beca we can do this an easy way and a hard way, what do you pick?" "May I have a clue of what the easy and hard way are?" Beca asked. "Well easy way would be you just getting in and taking a shower without trying to leave or anything your not supposed to. The hard way would be me handcuffing you to the shower and me having to do everything for you, so you pick" Chloe explained. "Uhhh yea I'm just gonna take a shower by myself" Beca said nervously "ok I'm going to trust you to do this and I will be in the other room, also if you need any help let me know ok?" Chloe said sweetly "yea ok, I'm gonna get in the shower now" Beca said awkwardly. Chloe left the room and Beca got in the shower. She turned the shower in and just stood under the shower head 'why is Chloe doing this, she's sweet, caring, beautiful... did I just say beautiful?! Anyways why is she doing this to me!' Beca thought to herself. She just finished washing her hair when she peered outside the shower curtain, she spotted her clothing. She got out but left the water on 'what kind of bathroom doesn't have any windows' Beca thought to herself. She opened the door slowly and saw that Chloe was no where to be seen. She slowly tiptoed out of the door, she froze for a second but kept going. She made it to the door and still didn't see Chloe, she opened the door and still saw no one. What she did see though was nothing but woods around her, it was pitch black outside and she was going to have to go through them in the dark. She went outside and closed the door, little did she know that Chloe has been watching her the whole time and was just waiting there ready to grab her. Chloe was about to do it when she saw someone, she froze and just stood there. Beca saw this person as well "help please I've been kidnapped and brought here, I don't know where I am but please help me!!" Beca yelled to the unknown person. The person turned around and Chloe cursed under her breath "oh my god are you ok?" The person asked "I am now thank y-" Beca stopped talking when she saw Chloe was standing next to the person smiling the other person smiled down at Chloe. "Beca didn't I tell you to just take a shower and wait for me when your done?" Chloe asked. "Now why don't you come here and we make this real easy ok?" Beca just stood there and looked around, she saw a small path and looked back to Chloe. She turned immediately and started running down the path. "What the fuck Beca why can't you just listen to me?!?" Chloe yelled in anger "hey chlo it's ok I got her remember I can run faster than her" the person said. She ran after Beca and caught up to her almost instantly. "Why the fuck are you so fast?!?" Beca yelled behind her "don't worry about it" Beca recognized that voice and grew confused. She caught up to Beca and tackled her. "Ow did you have to tackle me!?!" "Do you always have to run away?" She asked back with a annoyed tone. "Wait a second AUBREY?!?" "Hello Beca nice to see you again" Aubrey smirked. "Why are you guys doing this to me, I didn't do anything wrong please just let me go or tell me what's going on, please Bree pl-" she was caught off by a hand over her mouth. "Will you just shut up for a second, god your so annoying. Get up and stay there for a second ok? Can you please just do that?" Aubrey pleaded. Beca nodded her head "thank you" said Aubrey. She got off Beca and Beca stood up. "Chloe I got her!!" Aubrey yelled "I see that" Chloe giggled "holy shit where did you come from" Aubrey asked while clutching her chest. "I got here a little bit ago" Chloe said calmly. "Ok Beca this is what is going to hap-" Aubrey turned around and saw no sign of Beca. "Where the fuck did you go?!" Aubrey asked annoyed "come on she couldn't have gotten far let's go find her" Chloe explained. 

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