Chapter 8

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"Chloe we've been walking for an hour now and there has been no sign of her anywhere!" Aubrey said with anger. "Just calm down she has to be here somewhere" Chloe said nervously.
          Beca was getting tired she has been running through these woods for at least an hour and she needed to stop. 'I can't stop if I stop they could find me and I don't want that' Beca thought. She started running faster and faster, she started having trouble breathing 'I have to keep going' she kept saying over and over in her head. One thing came to the next she fell over and passed out due to over running. "Chloe oh my god I found her and she's out cold!!" Aubrey yelled "what?!" Chloe asked worried "we have to get her back now!" Aubrey said.  "Ok I'll carry her the first part of the way and you carry her the second deal?" Chloe asked. "Yea ok deal" Aubrey agreed. Chloe bent down and picked Beca up and carried her bridal style. About a half an hour through the walk home Chloe turned to Aubrey and said "ok Bree it's your turn here you go" "ok let's do this" Aubrey said. 15 minutes later Beca started to move a little, but Aubrey didn't notice. Beca opened her eyes and groaned "whyyyy" beca whined. Aubrey got startled and looked down at Beca and smiled "hi sweetie you feeling ok?" Aubrey asked sincerely. "Did you just call me sweetie?" Beca asked confused "yea is there a problem" Aubrey asked sternly.  "You just called me sweetie? But I don't understand, don't you hate me?" Beca asked with confusion in her voice. Aubrey looked down "of course I don't hate you, yes you get on my nerves like all the time but that doesn't mean I don't hate you, I also don't want anything bad to happen to you" Aubrey smiled. "Oh ok" Beca relaxed a little "wait if you don't want anything bad to happen to me, then why are you two holding my captive?" Beca question, this time it was Chloe who answered "you will found out just not now."  They finally got back to the cabin, "ok Beca I assume you never really took a shower because you ran out.. again... so do you want to take another one right now or wait until tomorrow?" Chloe asked. "Um I'll just wait till tomorrow" Beca answered. "Ok then come here" Aubrey said sternly; Beca walked over to Aubrey. She was instantly picked up and was being carried to the bed in the corner. "What is up with you guys and carrying me everywhere?" Beca asked annoyed "one, your light; two, your like a baby; and three, it's just fun." Chloe answered with a smile "not a baby Chlo" "told ya she still acts like a badass Bree" Chloe laughed aswell as Aubrey. They made it to the bed and laid Beca down. "There we go Beca now you just relax and we will take care of you" Aubrey smiled down at Beca "ok what the fuck is going on why are you guys acting like this? You kidnapped me, brought me here, saying your gonna punish me, now your being all sweet and nice to me what the fuck!" Beca said started to get angry. "Beca here drink this" Chloe said completely ignoring her and handing her a glass of water. "Well ok then just ignore me"Beca said rolling her eyes. She took the water and drank it. Five minutes later she started to feel a little drowsy, "what... did you... put in the drink?" Beca asked slowly. "Just close your eyes Beca it will be ok" Aubrey and Chloe soothed in her ear. Beca's eyes started to slip close till they both closed and didn't open. "Aubrey we need to tell her why she is really here" Chloe said "I know we do, but she's gonna think we are insane for telling her this way. We just need to hold her here for a while longer till we do tell her ok?" Aubrey explained. "Yea ok, Bree go get everything ready for when she wakes up. Also what did you put in her drink?" Chloe asked "it's a secret" Aubrey walked away and winked at her.

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