To the many pairs of inquisitive eyes in this classroom it was a simple six letters word. But to Byun Baekhyun it had the power to explain the overwhelming sweat soaking his hair, the fierce heart burns and why his nerves resembled the strings of a worn out guitar.
What had he done to offend the gods so viciously?
What grave sin had he committed to have achieved such rotten fate?
Because if there were ever a list for the most disastrous coincidences in the history of human beings, this exact moment would be within the top ten easily. How had he gotten here? Ah, that’s right…
Few Hours Earlier
The distant evening sun grazes the awning windows in the cavernous living hall, throwing vaguely distorted and geometrical shadows. A superficial appraisal of the house reveals its emptiness and the undisturbed cushions on the couch add weight to my lingering confusion.
Where was everyone?
This was truly strange for a group of people who transformed into obvious lazybones having completed their so called "strict" 8 hour schedule. Which according to me was, complete bullshit because I had caught them casting Boys Over Flowers memes on the projector more often than not.
Work smarter not harder was Byun senior's most cherished quote and an advice that he outrageously imparted to every Tom, Dick and Harry. Hence, making the existence of an eager beaver such as I, a miracle despite their fooling around and couldn't-care-less attitude.
"Mom...Mom...Mom" I impatiently wheeze, my vocal chords absolutely ragged from humming melodies and shredding notes, since, well practically the ass crack of dawn.
"CONNNN-GRATU-LATION-SSS" explodes the off key version of the song and I bolt upwards, dangerously close to the sharp overhanging sword. My family stands, holding a trophy shaped cake littered in candles while giddily absorbing the reaction their surprise had caused.
"You guys didn't have to" I protest and grin unable to contain the creeping satisfaction.
"I think we’re going to need a new cupboard at this rate, son" my father observes and his warm eyes crinkle about the edges stretching into my favorite smile.
"24 Gold’s and counting" my brother beams flaunting the shiny, polished plaque.
"My son is doing so well that it makes mom want to give him the world" my mother coos engulfing me in her comforting embrace. It was the reminder and acknowledgement that I yearned for everyday, especially during the bad breaks.
"Come to the kitchen" Chanyeol yells and I basically run heeding his abrupt summons. This was our established tradition. Every competition that I won earned a special meal from Chanyeol and unconditional service of all kinds.
"What did I tell you?" Jongdae smirks rubbing the medal in Chanyeol's frustrated face. My best friend’s support system was slightly different than the normal, they bet on my chances of winning and Chanyeol almost always lost because of his unwavering yet misguided optimism for victory.
"Can you please give me a break once in a while? My hands are coated in dry skin" he complains placing a huge bowl on the place mat. This was my extended family, minus a missing person and since we barely left each other's house we fully qualified as such.
"Winning is a habit" I add arrogantly and receive a playful spank from Minseok hyung.
"Humility is every winner's first trait" he points, criticizing. Hyung was the rock that anchored me and the shelter, when the storms raged. We had been through the thick and the thin together. His fierce loyalty and overprotectiveness was the reason I depended on him wholly. Though we were not related by blood it was obvious we were related by heart.

He Left Me Breathless
FanfictionByun Baekhyun is a talented student in Oh Academy of Arts. Oh Sehun is the rich business man with a volatile temper and a reputation that walks into the room before him. On a drunken night Baekhyun broke Sehun's most precious keepsake from someone h...