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"Hands against the wall" instructs the large, burly attendant with the thick, bushy mustache.

"Excuse me?" I squawk, glowering wildly between the said barricade and him.

"This is protocol for all the new employees" he notifies blandly.

Entering this place was proving to be tougher than buying tickets for the Beyonce concert!

Where on Earth had I ended up in? I should have trusted the premonition I had in the porch of this massive palace people branded as a company.

Imposing floor to ceiling windows, enormous chandeliers, and luxurious art adorned every nook and corner of the space. I felt like a swine covered in dirt and grass while ignorantly sauntering into the premises.

I had been subjected to two different security clearances, where they had confiscated my phone, my wallet and my iPod. To prevent 'breach of data' was their defense when I caused a commotion.

How is that possible and how am I supposed to survive this torture, deprived of my music around the border line megalomaniac CEO?

I was being supervised like the luggage that reaches the airport for check in. Human Resources Divison had tagged me with the staff identification card and authorized access to the 28th and 29th floors. I concluded that is the Satan's domain.

They advised that I must immediately report to them if I confronted any discrimination, bullying or other kinds of inconveniences that might impair my ability to perform to the utmost of my abilities in a safe environment.

Who would I have to contact for registering a complaint about the CEO, for blatant harassment and liberal use of creative threats/insults, I had enquired only to be judged as an escapee from the psychiatric ward. May be it bewildered them beyond comprehension that a scrawny human such as me, can lay these misleading claims concerning the man at the top.

"I have nothing on me" I grumble incredulously. They had literally taken everything expect the clothes I had worn.

I couldn't open a jar of Nutella by myself, much less the highly protected systems of their database even if I was interested to explore that mega nerd mission.

"This is standard procedure" he echoes, tone leaning towards irritation. Why is he annoyed when I was the one being handled like a damn virus that could destroy this planet in an instant?

"That is exactly what you had me believing at the last check point and now where are we John? You are secretly holding the Taser gun while I am plotting the quickest escape route. I am not a Ninja or an assassin" I protest using the most random name to frazzle the troll. I had already passed through those complex scanners and didn't understand what else they suspected me of possibly hiding?

"Mr. Byun if you fail to co-operate we have been directed to do whatever is required to ensure your compliance" he acquaints me with the unfavorable consequences. Granted I was meeting the Oh Sehun but this was really blowing things out of proportion. Who did this snobby bastard think he was?

"That will not be necessary" I fume angrily and heed the rude warning. He pats me carefully and I clench my teeth in frustration, the whole time. Great. This is totally the kind of welcome I was anticipating. Instructing me to move ahead, he retrieves my jacket and sneakers from the counter.

"I will be retaining this Mr. Byun and you may collect it when you are leaving." he informs depositing the silver ring I always carried.

When I was very young I had discovered it on the swings at the playground abandoned by the previous owner. It was lying on the ground beckoning my gullible mind with a sort of power I had been unable to resist. Though it had reminded me of my mother's aversion to anything remotely dishonest I had pocketed it stealthily and cherished the shimmering band.

He Left Me BreathlessWhere stories live. Discover now