One Step Ahead

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Baekhyun POV

Have you ever wondered how someone who is accused of a crime feels when he is in standing in the court and trying to counter all the claims that people are throwing at him so that his innocence can be proven? When he has to struggle to make them believe that he had nothing to be repentant about?

Except in my case, I hadn't actually committed a crime, neither did I have a guilty conscience that needed absolution. But somehow my friends saw it fit to treat me as if I were a delinquent walking around and wreaking havoc on innocent lives.

"What have you been doing all these days?" Chanyeol yells from the couch currently occupied by him, Kyungsoo, Jongdae and surprisingly Taeyong who to his credit looks like he was dragged against his will.

"Did you flunk a subject?" Jongdae screeches, his already high pitched tone wavering dangerously. As if that hypocritical bastard had any right to say that to me after phenomenally bombing our French finals in High School.

"This will be a lot less painful if you're honest Baekhyun" Kyungsoo advises in that sotto voce that begets no room for escape or deflection. Why was it always sink or swim with Kyungsoo? Did this Pororo not understand the concept of moderation?

"How did you guys even catch me in the lie?" I whine pitifully. This was not how I had planned to tell them the truth.

"I was in the administrative building to hand in some forms, lo and behold Mrs. Choi begins hounding me because you haven't dropped by to visit her in ages. Then I saw how all your lesson plans were left blank and realized you were hoodwinking all of us" Chanyeol reveals levelling an accusatory finger at my forehead.

Ah poor Mrs. Choi must have missed me quite a lot if she had resorted to enquiring after me from Chanyeol.

"Hoodwinking is a strong word, I was merely waiting for the appropriate moment to drop the bomb" I mumble disapprovingly.

"Baekhyun sweetie have you been taking drugs?" my mother pipes in, distress lacing her query.

"MOM" I exclaim, appalled that she thought I would choose getting high over singing and dancing.

"Is it Weed? LSD? Cocaine? Meth? Ecstasy? Heroin? Vicodin? Valium?" Chanyeol demands fuming in anger and I regret that he's not close enough for me to stomp on his face like I really wanted to. How was I the shady person when apparently he was the human encyclopedia for narcotics?

"Did you get a girl pregnant?" Jongdae balks, truly horrified at the prospect and I wished the skies would open up and smite me whole.

"I couldn't get a girl pregnant even if I wanted to, you absolute piece of shit" I howl, enraged by the sheer foolishness.

"Why not darling? You're a very healthy young man" my mother laughs nonchalantly and I have to control the urge to lob a show at Jongdae's useless head.

"Mother did you forget my grand exit from the closet years ago? I walked out wearing a glittery leotard just so you wouldn't harbor any doubts about my sexuality. You threw me a gay version of the Quinceañera and practically invited the entire neighborhood" I explain wondering if it was too late to get myself a new family and friends.

"Honey we're Koreans, we celebrate Gwallye" my mother corrects and I nearly faint from the suppressed irritation.

"Thanks for the mental images Baekhyun" Jongdae winces obliviously.

"This is your fault! Why would you ask me something stupid when you knew I couldn't get it up for a girl even if she knelt and prayed in front of it?" I cry, infuriated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2019 ⏰

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