Izuku Midoriya

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Today was the big day: Hero Con! As an artist, getting a booth at such a large convention was a miracle. If you could sell each large print for $20 and small for $10, and manage to sell all of your prints by the end of the day, rent wouldn't be a problem for this month. Waking up early, you drove down to the convention center and set up your booth before attendees were allowed in. After meeting with a few other artists, you double checked your work. Business cards were spread out on the table with your design logo and information as your art work hung proudly behind you. In the center was your favorite piece; a detailed print dedicated to your favorite hero Deku. You couldn't deny your admiration for the top hero, proving to be both strong and intelligent when faced with villains. Though he gives off such an intimidating vibe while fighting crime, his humble and almost awkward presence while being interviewed truly melted your heart. He's the main reason you're at Hero Con in the first place after all. After finding out he was going to be attending a panel, you rushed to snag a booth before they were gone. Sadly, you would be sitting at the booth while the panel went on, but at least you can watch a stream of it. "Who knows, maybe I can get his autograph afterwards," you mumbled while readjusting the print.

As soon as the doors to the convention opened, tons of adoring fans and cosplayers rushed through the doors trying to meet their idols and buy merch. The artist section was packed as attendees filled the aisles. There wasn't a moment you weren't on your toes trying to attend to costumers as they swarmed your booth. It wasn't until the panel started did you see the lines start to shrink. As the last customer purchased a risqué Creati print (which seemed to be quiet the favorite piece amongst customers), you pulled out your phone to watch the live stream of the hero's panel. Looking around at the heroes seated, you noticed a certain hero wasn't there yet. It seemed your favorite hero, Deku, wasn't there at all, to the confusion of many guests. Beginning to question his whereabouts, you heard someone cough, trying to get your attention. Looking up from your phone, you noticed it was a Deku cosplayer.

"Hello! How can I help you today," you asked cheerfully, placing your phone away. Looking him over, you noticed his costume seemed very detailed, almost identical to the real Deku's.

"Uhhh, you wouldn't happen to have an All Might print, would you," the cosplayer asked nervously. His voice sounded familiar, but his question took you aback. All Might was the No.1 Hero when you were growing up, but since he retired you haven't heard much about him. But you were an avid fan of heroes, so you smiled brightly while nodding your head.

"I sure do! Not many people ask for him, but I guess it was a good thing I brought a few small prints just in case," you said, pulling out a piece showcasing All Might's signature pose, much to the cosplayers excitement.

"That'll be $10. Also, I love your costume, you really put a lot of dedication into your work," you commented, examining his outfit once more.

Handing over the money, the cosplayer thanked you sheepishly.

"Tell you what, I'll give you a Deku poster if you let me take a photo with you," you excitedly offered. You may not have met the real Deku, but your fans would definitely fawn overseeing you with this cosplayer.

The cosplayer seemed to jump in shock at the offer and nervously nodded his head while stumbling over his words. "I-I'd r-really a-appreciate it. Thank you!"

Placing the posters in a protective plastic covering, you handed them over to the Deku in front of your booth before pulling out your phone.

"Say cheese," you cheered, throwing up a peace sign along with the cosplayer before taking a selfie. After examining the photo real quick, you thanked him.

"Oh, before you go, is there an account I can tag you with when I post this," you asked.

"Yeah, do you have something I could write it on," he asked, before grabbing one of your business cards and placing it in his pocket.

"Here you go," you said as you handed him a pen and notepad you kept in your bag.

Writing down quite a bit hurriedly, he closed the notepad before handing it to you.

"You wouldn't happen to know where the panel section is, would you," he asked worriedly.

"Yeah, it's down the hall to the left, but I'm afraid it's already started and probably packed with people," you said in an apologetic tone.

"Oh no, I'm late," he shouted. "Thank you for your help but I got to go," he rushed out before sprinting down the hall, posters in hand.

Chucklingly at his hurried run, you pulled the livestream back up on your phone. Still, no sight of Deku though, until the loud bang of a side door flying open drew everyone's attention to the hero as he quickly ran up on stage and apologized for his tardiness.

"Wait a minute, what's in his hand," you questioned, noticing he was carrying something in a plastic coating. The light shown on it prevented your view of whatever he held.

"Perfect timing Deku, what took you so long," sneered Chargebolt, the Stun Gun hero as he leaned back in his chair, nearly tipping it over.

"Sorry everyone, I got a bit lost in the vendor's section and went ahead and got some artwork. I'm afraid I got a bit sidetracked and didn't realize the time," he responded sheepishly, bowing his head to the audience.

"Thankfully a really nice artist was able to direct me here. Their art is really amazing, just look at this detail," he said before showing off the two posters he held. Looking closely at your phone screen, you felt your heart drop. There, your favorite hero, stood holding up your fanart of him and All Might. THE DEKU was standing on stage, showing off YOUR ARTWORK. Quickly scrambling to grab the notepad, you looked over what he wrote down.

"I don't really use social media often considering how busy I am with work, but here's my official social media page you can tag me with. I really love your art, maybe you can show some more of it to me sometime (p.s I grabbed your business card, if you don't mind I'd really love to meet you again. I'll try contacting you soon ) - @therealdeku"

"I just met the real Deku," you breathed out, bewilderment written across your face. Letting out an ear-piercing scream of joy, you hugged the notepad close while doing a happy dance. Not as many people as you would assume looked your way in concern, but of course, what you are doing is considered quite normal within convention centers.

Continuing to squeal, you finished watching the livestream, and before you knew it, a long line of costumers packed your booth. Soon enough you were sold out and left with barely any business cards left.

Packing up the last of what was left of your booth, you smiled dreamily. Not only did you sell out all your prints, but you met the hero of your dreams. Things were definitely taking a turn for the best.

"Suck it mom, I told you art school would pay off!"

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