Rikido Sato

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Authors Note: This will take place in your third year of high school, or junior year since only juniors and seniors can go to prom where I'm from. This is actually based on how my friend asked me to prom. Of course I said yes, and it was amazing! I'll post a picture of my promposal at the end as to not spoil the one shot.

Prom season was just around the corner for U.A. students, and with it came the practice of promposals. Sitting alongside your friends Sato and Koda at the lunch table, you cringed at the sights of another promposal.

"Is it just me, or are these promposals getting out of hand. They're getting more and more ridiculous every year," you exclaimed while watching Kaminari hold up a giant poster with a cheesy one liner on it.

"I think they're kind of sweet," Sato said gently, following your gaze.

"Of course you would think that Mr. Sugar Man," you teased while nudging him.

"Really though. It takes a lot of courage to confess something like that in front of a crowd. Imagine how bad it would hurt after getting rejected," he replied, flinching at the sight of his classmate getting rejected in front of the whole cafeteria.

"Ouch, that's gotta hurt," you said with a hint of sympathy for the poor boy.

Drifting your gaze back to the table, you noticed Koda begin to sign something.

"(Y/N), are you perhaps jealous since you have yet to be asked to prom," he signed, smiling sheepishly.

"What! Of course not! It's just some stupid dance, it's not that big of a deal," you shouted out in embarrassment.

"It's prom (Y/N). Of course it's a big deal. Don't worry, I'm sure someone will ask you out soon," Koda replied, drifting his gaze knowingly to the male beside you.

A light blush dusted your cheeks at the thought of Sato being your date to prom, but you shook away the thought and continued to pout. The sound of Sato's deep chuckle brought you towards his attention as he patted your head and smiled widely at you.

Smiling back sheepishly, you continued to imagine dancing the night away with him.

Your thoughts of Sato continued throughout the rest of the day until the chime of your phone brought you back to reality.

"Come to school early tomorrow," read the text from Sato.

Leaning back in bed, your heart began to race as you sent him a text, agreeing to his message.

Setting your alarm for earlier than you usually wake up, your mind began to wander with excitement at what he might have planned.

Stepping into school, you notice how the entrance seemed almost abandoned aside from a few teachers and early bird students. Walking towards your locker, you noticed Sato waiting there for you.

"Good morning Sato," you greeted as he sent you a wide smile. You noticed that both of his hands remained behind his back, leading you to raise your eyebrow in question.

"I have a question for you (Y/N)," he said nervously.

"Is this why you asked me to come in early? Well, then ask away," you responded coolly.

From behind him, he pulled out a box and opened it. Looking within it, you read aloud the words written on the box.

"I donut know how you feel about prom, but I know there'd be a hole in my heart if you said no. Sooooo," you trailed off before staring at the donuts that spelled out "PROM?"

"(Y/N), will you go to prom with me," he asked gently.

Reaching for the question mark shaped donut, you took a bite out of it and smiled at the sweet taste.

"No need to question it, of course I'll go to prom with you," you exclaimed happily before reaching up to kiss his cheek.

Blushing darkly, he watched you grab for the box of donuts and head towards the classroom.

He might be an amazing baker, but nothing seemed sweeter than (Y/N) to him.

He might be an amazing baker, but nothing seemed sweeter than (Y/N) to him

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