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I had just finished my shoot and I was going over my schedule with liane in my hotel room.

"So you have another shoot tomorrow then you get two days to just relax and then you got a runway show for the Arab fashion week and then more shoots and just the usual." Liane explained I sighed.

"Wow." I Said and she nodded.

"Yeah but you're done for the day so you can rest." Liane chuckled "You did great you deserve it."

"Thanks oh can I go talk to Melo?" I asked and she nodded.

"What's up with you two? Anything new?" Lianne asked as I got my laptop.

"Um no I don't think so-

"Lies! They kissed and confessed that they love eachother." Denise said cutting me off.

That's not all we did. If only they knew.

The girls were looking at me with a blank face.

"What do you mean? What else did y'all do?" Izzy asked with a small smirk.

"Nothing shh." I Said and opened my laptop and called Melo he answered on the 2nd ring and soon his cute face popped up and he smiled.

"Hey beautiful" He smiled making me smile

"Hey hon what's up?" I asked he shrugged.

"I was playing horse with the guys what about you? How was your shoot?" He asked.

"Yo Melo at least give us the ball!" I heard mike call Melo rolled his eyes and threw the ball behind him I chuckled.

"It was good." I Said.

"I wanna see pictures." He Said I chuckled.

"Ima post one of them on Instagram later." I Said and he nodded.

"Good I have you're post notifications on so ima be the first." He Said I laughed.

"That's adorable." I awed.

"Well you know me adorable as always." He smiled and shrugged.

"Yeah okay." I chuckled.

"Shutup you know it's true." He joked I chuckled.

" I mean I guess at times." I Said picking up my phone the girls came in.

"Ooooh CC!" Denise called.

"Shut up." I said.

"Man you two play too much just get back together don't act like what happened at the airport never happened." Mena Said.

"Yeah and then Melo you start whining oh my god why is she so difficult like damn ma I'm tryna love you just let me love you stop playing." Denise mocked him,

"Yeah cause you she plays too much." Melo Said.

"How?" I asked in confusion.

"One second you're all lovey dovey and then the next you're like Melo leave me alone." Melo mocked me.

"One I don't sound like that and 2 you always choose the wrong moments to come up to me that's why." I said.

"Whatever I'm just tryna love you you don't appreciate me." He Said.

" I do appreciate you baby." I Said with a chuckle.

"No you don't." He Said.

"I do." I Said.

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