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"So we've been talking about you moving out and we agree as long as it's close." Mom said and dad nodded.

"Great I've already picked out some houses." I smiled.

"Are you sure that you wanna do this?" Dad asked I nodded.

"If you change your mind you can move back in anytime. But honey we provide for you you know." Mom said.

"I know mom but I need to spend money on something." I chuckled.

"Struggles of being rich how sad." Mike said sarcastically walking into the kitchen with Melo I rolled my eyes at him.

"So you're actually moving?" Melo asked and I nodded.

"Yeah soon." I Said.

" I barely- I mean we all barely see you anymore." Melo Said.

"I see you guys." I Said.

"Barely especially after-

"I know but I'll still drop by and all that." I said.

"Yeah but you'll be um....all alone!" He Said quickly coming up with something.

"I'm gonna ask Izzy if she wanna move in with me." I Said as Jessie came in.

"You ready?" Jessie asked and I nodded.

" where you two going?" Mike asked.

" Izzy Denise Jessie and I are gonna go look at some houses." I explained as Jessie greeted the guys.

" can we go?" Denise asked crankily.

"Yeah let's go now." Izzy Said.

"Have fun good luck." Zo Said and kissed his girlfriend goodbye.

"Thanks we'll see you guys later." I Said and walked off with the girls and Jessie.


"So does she know about what's her face?" Gelo asked he was talking about heather my girlfriend.

"No." I said.

"Why are you going out with her she's such a hoe." Mike rolled his eyes and the guys nodded in agreement.

Truth was I got with heather because 1: she kept asking me out and 2: I thought it'd help me get over Mila, but damn was I wrong. I love Mila I cant get over her...but now she's Jessie's girl. And man I want Jessie's girl.

"Break up with hoether talk to Mila and get back with her damn." Gelo Said tolling his eyes.

"I don't know how or what to say and she's Jessie's girl I can't just take her from him the fuck." I Said.

"It's kinda obvious she still has feelings for you and it's definitely obvious you still love her." Zo shrugged and mike nodded.

"Yeah man. We love Jessie but he's not right for her she won't be happy with him the way she was with you." Mike said.


" I like this one it's nice and big." Izzy Said the girls and I nodded in agreement. We were looking at houses that weren't too big or too small I didn't want a mansion that's too much.

"I like this too and it's literally a block away from your parents and Melos parents and the guys." Jessie said and I nodded.

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