New Beginnings

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It was September 1st. I stepped out of my parent’s car parked in front of Anubis House. I already said my goodbyes, but I was much more excited for the upcoming school term. Of course I wasn’t looking forward to all the class work, homework, teachers and what not, but I was eager to catch up with everyone at Anubis House. I lugged my suitcases out of the car and up onto the front step. I took in the view and a wide grin spread across my face. I knocked on the door and a beaming Trudy answered.

“Jerome, welcome back! How was your summer?”“Great Trudy, I mostly spent it with my Dad and we did we fantastic stuff together. Where are the others?”“Oh, they haven’t arrived yet. Why don’t you unpack your things and have something to eat?”

Just as I entered the dining room, a happy Eddie and Patricia came in with their suitcases and walked up towards Patricia's room with even noticing me. "Humph" I thought. I sat down and endorsed with all the wonderful foods Trudy prepared. Out of curiosity I asked Trudy if she wanted her housemother job back but she replied with "No, this is actually my last day! The new housemother will be arriving soon." I immediately thought of a another Vera Devenish. I quickly dismissed the thought.

Everybody gradually arrived, followed by hugs, and a serious overuse of the words "How was your summer?". The only two people still left to arrive was Alfie and Mara. I met up with her lots during the summer and she knew my Dad as much as I did so we all had fun together. Since she was officially my girlfriend, after agreeing to go out with me at the "end of exhibition night". I wanted to spend as much time as possible with her. Alfie was always late for absolutely everything so there wasan't a big deal there but Mara, she was early for everything and arrived at the precise time. It was only 4:00 and school didn't start until two days.

For the rest of the evening I sorted my textbooks and tried to arrange my things nicely around my space in the room. Dinner was full of talking and for a treat Trudy prepared pizza's and chips and other tasty food. I went to bed early with still no sign of Alfie or Mara. Where were they?

I woke up to find Alfie sleeping in his bed, with his clothes and books carelessly thrown around the room. He must have arrived during the night.

"Hey man" Alfie said with a yawn. "How's you? And your summer?"

"Both been good. You arrived late yesterday, everything ok?"

"Yeah, the train was late and then it broke down. Stupid train. And I missed all the food yesterday!"

"Have you seen Mara?"

"No. I thought she was here studying for her new books?" Alfie said with a laugh. "Probably the highlight of her year!"

"Hey! C'mon man, don't be stupid, she's not here yet."

"It's not a big deal. School hasn't officially started yet." Alfie sighed and went back to sleep.

Everyone spent today with their boyfriend or girlfriend, except Joy, Mick and me. Mick also returned to the school and I'm pretty sure he was trying to impress Joy by showing her skills with his football. I tried to engage in conversation with them, but it was pointless. I went back to my bedroom, and tried to phone Mara, it went straight to voice mail.

In the next few days most teachers overloaded us with homework and by the end of the week I had about 8 assignments to complete but still no Mara. While I was doing my homework on a gloomy Friday night, An agitated Fabian burst trough the door. "Jerome you have to come quick!" "What? Why?" Fabian left running up the stairs towards Mara, Patricia and Joy's room. I followed him, and standing there was Nina, Amber, Alfie and Patricia. Joy was holding something, a piece of paper. "We found it underneath her duvet cover. She passed the note to me. Written in rough, scrawly handwriting was this.

 "Very sorry everyone, parents had to 

 Enter a sporting competitions in Spain

 Really hope you guys are doing ok

 And are well 

 Happy new school year

 Enter many competitions 

 Lovely weather here

 Pass on my regards

 My relatives already know

 Email Em!"

"What? That doesn't make sense! Who says *Happy new school year*?" I said, feeling confused. "It's not about that! Look at the first letter of each sentence! And the last letters Em; are backwards for me! Patricia said. I took the paper again and read the letters V E R A   H E L P    M E 

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