A Twist

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I opened the closet door and squeezed myself into it. There was a small line of light where the two doors met and I could almost make out Victor. By the way he was talking he seemed agitated. “Nina, something’s happened. I’d like to speak with you in my office” said Victor. “Sir, it’s a little late. Can’t we wait until tomorrow?” “Now!” boomed Victor. Nina and Victor quickly walked out of the room. Nobody moved because they could come back any second. I suddenly heard Victor talking within my earshot. I gasped but I suddenly realized there was a small hole in the wall, the size of a ping- pong ball. I see both of them clearly but I concealed my face behind a coat in the closet. Nina was waiting for Victor to start talking, but he seemed distressed. He then leaned into Nina, like he was about to kiss her. I gasped at this. He wasn’t going to kiss her though, but instead biting into her neck. She shrieked as Victor was still biting into her neck. He pulled away quickly, wiping some dripping blood from his mouth. Nina slumped onto the floor, unconscious. I was about to feint. What had I just seen? Maybe I was dreaming – I hoped I was dreaming. I pinched myself, but to my dismay I was awake. I knew better, than to start freaking out to the others. Would they even believe what I saw? Victor was a vampire? My brain cut me short though, and immediately matched vampire with mythical creature and gave me a warning message saying Vampires don’t exist. You saw something different.  With everything that was going on in Anubis House? I gulped. I peered through the hole again. Victor was cleaning his mouth with extreme precision and then left the office leaving Nina slumped on the ground. He locked the door, triple checking. He was outside the door again, knocking more calmly this time while Amber opened door. 

“Hello Ms Millington. I’m sorry to be bothering you at this late hour, but I’m afraid Nina will be staying up for, quite a while - family issues. Please be at ease, that she will return some time in the night, but will not be attending school tomorrow” Victor said in a bored voice.

“Um okay. Night…” Amber said. Victor left walking down towards the living room. “Guys, c’mon you better get to bed” Amber whispered yawning. I was pale from what I saw and I stumbled out of the closet.

“G-Guys…” I stuttered.

“What?” Everyone said at the same time.

“I s-saw s-something in there…” I said, still stuttering.

“What? Like one of Amber horrible jackets?” Alfie joked.

“N-no… There’s an opening in the wall to h-his office” I said. I beckoned them towards the small closet. I showed them the hole.

“Oh. That could be useful!” Patricia said.

“L-look through it…” I said. Amber was first, and as I anticipated, she screamed.

“Nina! Nina!” Amber screamed through the opening, trying to wake her up.

“Shut up! Do you want us to get detention for the next month? Now, what is it?” said Patricia.

“Oh m-my… What did he do to her?!” Patricia chocked out.

“He bit her, taking her b-blood. Like a vampire.” I explained.

“I can see the bite marks!” said Fabian, who looked like he was going to throw up.

“I’m calling the police!” remarked Amber.

“Do you actually think they’ll believe this? He’ll make it look like something completely different!” said Patricia.

“Will she be okay?” asked Fabian.

“It looks like she’s breathing, but how can a human survive without blood?” said Patricia curious but in frantic alarm.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2013 ⏰

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