Chapter 2

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It stopped. I leaned. We kissed. She laughed. He left.

I was dumbfounded. I just kissed one of my best friends and......I liked it! Did he like it too? I had to go find out. My best friends name was Evan. We had know each other since we were 5. I looked around.I didn't see him but I did see Heather.

"Hey!" Heather yelled over the music.

"What?!" I yelled back.

" I said hey!"

"Oh! Have you seen Evan?!"

"No! Why?!"

" Oh I was just wondering!"

" Ill find you if I see him!"

"Ok thanks!" I yelled as I walked away

I looked in the living room and the kitchen. He wasn't there. I went outside onto the front porch. Man Dylan has a nice house. You could still hear the music. There were a bunch of freshman who were totally wasted sitting on the steps. I looked over and saw Evan sitting in a wooden white law chair. I never realized how dashing he looked with his bowl cut hair and his signature v-neck tee. I walked over.

"Hey" I said shyly.

"Hi" He said back

"Listen it was just a kiss. I mean we've kissed before right? So let's just stay the way we were ok? Best friends."

"Oh yeah yeah totally."

My phone buzzed. It said ;

Mom: Where the hell are you? Its 11:30! Get your ass home!

" Shit. I got to go.Bye." I said

"Bye" He repeated.

As I walked down the porch steps I wasn't worried about getting in trouble for breaking my curfew by 30 minutes but about how I was developing feelings for Evan, my best friend.

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