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Josh walks into his office and collapses in his chair.

It was a long day. Sure, being a therapist and carer was rewarding and Josh wouldn’t do anything else, but it got pretty overwhelming at times. Working in an adolescent psychiatric ward, after all, wasn’t a job for the faint hearted.

He rubs his face and takes a deep breath. Josh glances next to him and there it was, the new patient’s profile. “How bad could he be?” Josh thought.

The front of the manila folder wrote:

Name: Tyler Robert Joseph
Age: 17
Year admitted: 2013

Josh flipped the front cover open and began reading the patient summary.

Diagnosis: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Major Depressive Disorder
Unique Characteristics: Shy, mute? (probable speech impairment), scared of sudden movements, scared of new people, scared of people, scared of new surroundings, scared of loud noises, scared of noises, extremely sensitive (mentally), isolation
Warnings: Aggressive at times, sensitive, non-cooperative, self harms, suicidal
Medication: Prozac

Behind that page were pages and pages of Tyler’s medical records. Everything from biological information to therapy notes. To say Josh took interest to Tyler’s portfolio was an understatement.

Josh spent the night at the hospital intrigued at the papers scattered on his desk. By the late morning hours, Josh has read every paper in the three inch stack, front to back. By the looks of it, everyone had given up on Tyler. No progress or even changes have been made for the last year. Josh wasn’t going to be one of those people. By now, he had his heart set on helping Tyler one way or another.


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