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love is stupid
i fought for it so hard
and yet you took it
and tore me apart.

blame is stupid
i blame you for this
and yet you took it
and blamed me for this?

abuse is stupid
it comes in many forms
and when you did it
you left me fucking torn.

songs are stupid
they remind me of our "love"
and when they play
i feel every push, every shove.

beds are stupid
i laid in mine with you
and still you treated me badly
while i was loving you.

i am fucking stupid
for ever loving you
when all you did
was make me hurt over you.

you are stupid too
for playing me like this
and blaming me for it
and making my words twist.

words are stupid
when they tumble from my mouth
and even worse
when "i love you" slips out.
- DJ

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