3. Tyeleya

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"It takes a whole village to raise a child

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"It takes a whole village to raise a child."
~African Proverb

15 years ago (Zoya is 7)

Zoya's feet stepped out of the familiar jet as she placed her hand in her mothers. This was all new for the princess. She was going to her first neighboring kingdom.

Her mother and herself walked through the palace entrance. Zoya marveled at the sleek looking walls. When Mama and herself got closer to approaching the king, a kind smile traced his lips.

"Hello Jamila, it is good to see you once more. I haven't seen you since your wedding day. I am terribly sorry for the loss of Khari, he was a dear friend."

Mama bowed her head and approached the man. "Your sincerity means the most to me T'Chaka. I do not think you have meant my Zoya. My precious daughter."

Zoya nervously gulped as her Mama brought the attention to her. The king's eyes shifted to the young girl. "You will do great things young Zoya, I feel it. Your name in our language means Life and you surely do make anyone feel more alive with your presence."

Zoya's cheeks flushed as the King of Wakanda complimented her. She smiled at the aging man. "Thank you, Your grace" She whispered quite shyly.

Ramonda smiled as she cleared her throat. She sat near T'Chaka with a very pregnant belly. The life of princess Shuri was about ready to be born. She couldn't be happier. Her son however was no where to be seen. He promised he would be back from "Exploring" by the time Jamila and Zoya would arrive. But Ramonda knew the boy to well, he would get to caught up climbing trees and catching insects than noticing the time.

She called little Zoya over to her. "Hello young princess, you are quite a beautiful lady." Zoya giggled as she felt the tickle of a white rose appear beyond her ear. Ramonda pulled out the rose and offered it to the beautiful princess, Saying it was a gift to the most beautiful inside and out.

A quiet squeak was heard as the large palace doors cracked open. Warm brown eyes peeked through the crack. A young boy looking to be around nine years old approached the throne. "I am sorry to be late baba and mama." The boy apologizes. "I lost track of time." He stumbled into the room, with his shoulders slumped.

He had a spot of mud on his cheek and a tear in his coat but he seemed to have eyes full of joy as he made his way to his parents. He hadn't seemed to notice Zoya's mother and herself. He hugged his fathers leg and bounced up and kissed his mothers cheek. "Are the guests here, Baba?" He asked with an excited glimmer in his eye. It had been so long since T'Challa saw new company.

Zoya's mother stepped out of the corner and towards the door. She spoke first. "Hello Prince T'Challa it is good to meet you! I am Queen Jamila, This is my daughter Zoya." The princess held her mother's leg in shyness, her eyes filled with anxiety at the new face.

"Hello Queen Jamila and Zoya! I'm T'Challa. But I guess you already know that." He chuckled.

He held out his small hand and offered it to Zoya. A polite grin was on his face, The princess slowly pulled her hand away from her mother, expecting the young prince to give her small hand a shake but when he pressed his lips to Zoya's hand she silently blushed and internal thought "cooties".

T'Challa gave her hand that he still had a hold of a tiny push, "cmon there is so much you need to see!" Zoya silently begged her mother to let her go explore with him. "Go my daughter, but be home before dinner." She waved the princess off with a small grin.

"Lead the way prince!"


Present time

T'Challa sat on the wooden bench as medics looked over his wounds. He had told Zoya that he tried to jump to his father before the blast took place, but didn't make it there in time.

She did the only thing the princess could think of to do, She made her way over to the bench and sat by him. As soon as the red head know as Natasha Romanoff had left, she didn't want to interrupt the conversation between the two.

The Queen grabbed one of the medics rags sitting on the ground, along with a bucket full of warm water and scrubbed the blood and soot off of his face gently. His eyes met hers for a moment before returning to its original gaze of his fathers ring. It wasn't his father's possession now, it was his. "Have you figured out who caused this yet?" Zoya whispered softly, trying not to make him as upset as he already clearly was.

He shook his head yes. Zoya had finished wiping his face clean and sadly smiled, this was good news. "Is there anything I can do to help you?" She asked. His chocolate colored eyes meant hers again, "Stay safe, you are a gift of the Ancestors and I don't know what I would do if I lost you too."

"I can do that." Her hand stroked his stubble cheek lightly.

" I would like you to go back to Wakanda and spread the news of my fathers passing to the ancestral plane."

"As you wish."

The silence was deafening. The Queen let out a sigh. "I really wish we could meet on different circumstances, My general Imani, is getting the glass out of her forehead, and you have multiple burns." She stated the obvious and tilted his head to examine the injury. I have some Golden King's to help." Zoya held up the small gold flower of her country, that held miraculous healing powers. "I will surpass, but I appreciate  the offer." T'Challa spoke sorrowfully.

"Your father has found his place in his new life. If there's anything I could possibly do, say when."

He brushed his hand over her cheek. "I don't know what I'd do without you." He gave the princess a watery smile. He then wound his arms around her shoulders, dipping his head in the crook of her neck.

"Thank you, Zoya."


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~June ❤☀️

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