6. Ncedisa

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' Ncedisa '

Shuri stood outside of her lab looking at her home

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Shuri stood outside of her lab looking at her home. It had been announced to the public only mere hours ago that her father had died. But Shuri mourned different than anyone. She didn't cry or become depressed. Shuri seemed to find her escape by creating new things.

In her lab she had just finished making her panther gauntlets. Even though it was just a prototype it seemed to work perfect, she tried it on a hologram wall outside of her lab. Shuri was always happy to make new things, so when Zoya arrived the day before she couldn't help but make a few things for the queen.

Zoya had approached Shuri's lab with a smile on her face. Aphiwe was at her heels prowling around the city. The last time the civilians had seen a panther in the city was when Zoya and T'Challa used to play with her in their childhoods. Now they were grown and so was the panther.

"Hey Shur, what are you doing?" Shuri turned on her heel and her eyes quickly widened. "Why is there a panther in my lab?"

"You don't remember Aphiwe? Your brother never talked about her?" Shuri shook her head. Zoya launched into story of how T'Challa and herself met the baby panther and how on the same night, the princess was born.

"That's crazy, so she is trained?"

"Well I don't see her trying to eat you, princess. What have you been working on?"

Shuri's eyes lit up as she tapped on her bracelets. The gauntlets came to life as Zoya stood in the line of fire. Aphiwe growled at her friend being in the way of the panther gauntlets. "Easy Aphiwe. Shuri is a friend you surely remember her? I do recall you liked to cuddle with her when you were just a kitten." Zoya nudged the large cat as she sat down.

"Those panther gauntlets are cool, have you been working on anything else?"

Shuri smiled as she made her way around the lab. "I placed this camera in T'Challa's necklace, so I can see how he is fairing. He seems to be in deep shit with the law now, I sent Okoye to rat him out. Who knew my brother would ever be in the way with the law."

Zoya watched as she saw him ride in the back of a car with she assumed to be Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers, Avengers.

Zoya chuckled to herself when Shuri grabbed her hand and led her to where T'Challa's suits rested. "What do you think I should add? I was thinking a new virtual look so he doesn't have to keep taking it off and I can arrange the particles of it to his necklace also, so when he presses a button it will appear!" Shuri seemed excited with her new idea. "Sounds good Shur."

Aphiwe roared. "Yeah okay one second you dramatic house cat."

Shuri grabbed her hand once more and showed he to the corner of her lab. "I made you this spear." She took it from its rack and held it in her hand. Shuri clicked a button and the spear became double sided, then she clicked it again it became a shield. As she clicked the shield it became a vest with holsters in the back. "It's portable and a vest so you can wear it whenever." Zoya smiled in gratitude at the princess.

"Thanks Shuri you are the best."

"Better than my brother?" She asked with a smirk.

"Duh." Zoya said with a similar smirk plastered over her face. Shuri gave Zoya a hug before she seemed to grasp her ear. "T'Challa is calling."

'Shuri, I need your help. Prep the lab for cryofreeze. I have a friend in need.'

"Yeah okay I'll do that, is there anything else you need?"

'No. Thank you sister. I'll be there in a day.'

Zoya swiped the com from Shuri's ear. "Do you need anything else from me?"


"Yeah it's me."

'Watch the borders for me please? I'll be there as soon as I can. Won't you stay in Wakanda for a while?"

"I am staying her for a while, yes. The borders will be safe under my protection. See you soon my Prince."

Zoya shut off the com. "Hey Shuri can I use that spear? T'Challa asked if I would help keep watch." The queen nodded to the spear as Shuri bobbed her head yes. Zoya clicked it into a vest and placed it over her body. Quickly she ran up to her room after bidding a fair well to the Princess. Imani sat still asleep in bed as Zoya carefully snatch up her twin blades of vibranium. The vest had holsters on the back as she slid the sword in place.

Zoya approached the border with Aphiwe at her side. The cat had roamed the jungle before hand picking up a large bird and feasting on it. As Zoya approached the border she saw a group of men next to it in a camp. Quietly she climbed up a tree and watched. They seemed to be trying to break into the border and that was Zoya cue to take them out. She unsheathed her twin blades as they shined from above.

There were about eight men totally oblivious as they sat by an armored truck. She went for them first flipping one over her back as his head hit the vehicle, he was unconscious.

The men gained their composure but Zoya was too quick. She slashed at ankles and throats. She never appreciated killing but she did what she had to do to protect Wakanda. If not for their ally, but for T'Challa. Afterwards the place was clear of people. But Zoya was confused. They had to of had a leader?

All of a sudden a sword pierced her chest. Sparks flew at the Vibranium on vibranium impact. A young man with wispy dreads and a large vest eyes widened at the vibranium. He swung his sword again aiming for the queens face. Zoya blocked the attack and swung her double blades. This was no unexperienced fighter, he had obviously killed before.

She swung with no remorse trying to make the man lose conscious. But he was good, she managed to slash his cheek. Aphiwe let out a growl, this caused the man eyes to widen. He pulled a smoke bomb out of his vest. "Later, Queen! Maybe we will meet again."

Swiftly he pulled the grenade and smoke covered the scene as he ran. Zoya stood breathing heavy as she watched the man escape. A plane flew above her head signaling that T'Challa was back, they approached the other side of Wakanda where the labs and cyrofreeze stations were. "Aphiwe stay here, I have to go see what T'Challa's up to.

Zoya made her way back inside the walls of Wakanda, looking for the prince.


Hey babes hope you liked!

~June ❤☀️

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