Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

After a night with my two nonbiological brothers and childhood best friend. I started to walk home with Roy. Jason, heading to Gotham, and Dick to Blüdhaven.

"So." I say. "How's life?"

"Better now that your here. I mean..yeah. Better. Much better." He says.

"Anything new?" I ask.

"I...uh...well." He says rubbing the back of his neck. "For one thing, I still love you."

"Oh." I respond.

"And I have...uh...a daughter..." He says quietly.

"Well this is news!" I say trying to lighten the awkward mood. So he likes me..and has a daughter? Interesting. "I bet she is cute just like you." I say as I reach and pinch his cheek. Roy swats my hand away and rolls his eyes.

"Actually..She is getting dropped by her mother off in a few hours." Roy says quietly.

"Whats her name?" I ask.


"Cute. I like it." I say with a smile. Roy looked at me, his lips parted. "What?" I ask.

"Your just so...perfect."

"I'm far from perfection."

"Don't lie to yourself."


I had left Roy after we walked to his apartment. We hugged tightly and said our goodbyes. I'm hope he is going to do better and stay healthy. I don't want him to be sick again.

By now, I had traveled to Blüdhaven to do patrol. It's been weird sense I haven't done my usual patrol route in years. It had an eerie feeling tonight.
And not the normal eerie feeling. Like...someone is watching and following me.

Their eyes scanning my every move.

I flipped over onto a building. That eerie feeling creeping up on my neck.
"Alright!" I say skidding to a stop. "Who's there?!" I yell.

"Don't tell me you forgot who I am. Let alone our little deal." The cold familiar voice said. The warmth in the are was replaced with a stone cold chill.

"Alright Savage. I know it's you." I hiss. "I still have eight months to choose!" Savage stepped into the moonlight across from me.

"I know you do." He says with a sickening smile. "I see you have gotten stronger. More powerful. You've even figured out how to lock your flight and fire powers away unless in life or death situation. Very impressive I must say." He says. "You can even survive without your powers. Hand to hand combat is something your quiet good at Fearless. Isn't it?" I give him a look that could kill.

"What do you want?" I spit out.

"I have come to remind you of our deal. You join me. Or I kill your friends. You join me or I'll destroy everything you ever loved. You can't tell anyone. Or I'll just kill them to." He says. "And the twisted thing about all of this. Is that you agreed."

"What...?" A voice says from behind Savage.

My masked eyes stretch wide as Nightwing himself step out next to the enemy.


"Nightwing? What are you doing here?" I ask. The look on Nightwing's face could bring me crumbling to my knees. It was a look of pure hatred, betrayal and rage. With the slightest bit of sadness.

"What are you doing here?!" He yells. "This is my city now remember? After...after I-I thought you died, I took after you!" He says choking in his words. "I took your route and studied it until I remembered every turn and curve. I studied this city. Every nook and cranny!" He spits out at me. "I thought it was the least I could do for my dead sister!" He yells, his voice shaking with anger, but his bottom lip trembled slightly.


"Stop it." He growls. "Just...stop.." He says looking away from me. I was about to look at Savage and fight him, but...he was gone.

That son of a bitch.

He planned it. He planned this. And we both knew he did.

"I thought we told each other everything!" Nightwing yells at me.

"Like you don't keep secrets from me!" I retort.

"You don't trust me anymore! I don't think you ever did!" He snarls.

"You know what?! I don't think you did either!" I yell.

"I-I thought.... I thought you would tell me everything!!!" He screams. "I thought you would tell me everything and we would talk and laugh like we used to! You- I- We-" He says, his breaths getting short and panted, almost as if he was gasping for breath.

"Nightwing." I say quietly walking close to him.

"I can't take it anymore Rose!" He yells. "I can't do this! I can't go on still believing that your never going to be there anymore! That nobody is going to be here anymore!" He yells, raking his hands through his hair as he starts to pace back and forth.

"Dick. Calm down okay?" I say trying to soothe him. "Relax. You need to breathe." I say as I stop him from pacing and place a hand on his shoulder.

"No. No I can't." He says shaking his head, his breaths getting shorter and shorter.

"Dick you have to calm down." I say as I put both my hands on his shoulders to have him look at me. He puts a hand over his mouth and breaths through his nose, his breathing still ragged.

There was nothing I was going to be able to do. Dick continued to breathe like that and ranted and raged about the random things that came from his mouth, his words slurring a bit.

So I called someone.

Someone who could help. Someone who would help.


Ew. I don't like this chapter very much. :/

I know. It sucks. I'm sorry ;(

-Stay Whelmed-

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