Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Rose's POV

"My mother?" I scoff. "She is dead. I saw her die."

"I'd like to run a DNA test. You can see her tomorrow." Alaska informs me.

Alaska said this just a few hours ago.
Just a few hours ago I was informed that my mother is alive. Or might be alive.

With my luck she'll probably be a psychopath.

I laid on my bed, Tim across from me on a cot. I tossed and turned. I couldn't sleep at all. I mean, who could if you just find out your mother could be alive within walking distance. Who you've believed dead for fifteen years.

"Stupid time zones..." I hear Tim mutter. I hold in a chuckle.

"Just try and get a few hours in okay?" I say with a laugh.

"I can't sleep at all!" Tim says tugging at his hair, and flipping onto his back in a huff. I laugh and swing my legs over the side of the bed. "It's like I'm tired, but I can't fall asleep!"

"Come on. I know something that will help." I say. "C'mere."

"What?" Tim says.

"Come on. I have all this room." I say gesturing to the giant bed. Tim blinked his blue eyes and stood up. "Don't get any ideas Boy Wonder." I say lowly. Tim's face flushes red.

"I-I w-wouldn't-" I let out another laugh.

"I know your not like that." I laugh. "I just like to tease you." I say patting his cooling cheek. Tim rolls his eyes and lays down next to me.

"Now what?" He asks.

"Just close your eyes and pretend your home." I say. Tim's eyes soften and he looks at the bed sheets.

"When I was parents never really had time for me..they were always caught up with business. But a few times, I remember my mother singing to me. Even though it was only two or three times she did that...I cherish it forever, because..I don't have her to sing to me anymore." Tim whispers. I place my hand on his.

"I'm sorry." I whisper back. Tim gives me a sad smile, his blue eyes, big and watery.

"Your basically my older sister. The older sister I never had. And that's a little bit like a mom." He says. "Your going to be a great mother one day. I know you are."

"You are just so sweet." I say putting a hand to his cheek. Tim smiles shyly. My little brothers are my world.


I walked down to the interrogation rooms in the lower level of the facility the next morning. Tim was walking next to me. "What's are we doing down here?" He asks.

"To meet someone." I reply as I walk in front of the interrogation rooms.

"Right this way Hush." The guard standing there said, opening the door. I start to walk in when he puts a hand on Tim's chest. "Only her."

"I authorize him to be with me." I say. The guard and I stare down for a few seconds before he lets him in behind me.


Wally's POV

It's been a week. A week sense I've seen her.

Her voice.

Her smirk.

Her smile.

Her laugh.

I run a hand through my hair as I walk into the kitchen of Mount Justice. M'gann was cooking breakfast on the stove. "Hey M'gann." I say quietly. She won't talk to me. I know she won't. Conner will probably kick my ass even if I tried. Dick hasn't been seen anywhere. He is on some stake out mission. Robin is with Rose where ever they are. Artemis and Zatanna won't even look at me. I'm pretty sure the rest of the team knows also.

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