xxi. rub any sadness on me

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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oliviastan feelin' like

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username single looks so good on her
[ liked by oliviastan ]

username who needs boys, am i right

elizabetholsenofficial u are golden

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

iMESSAGES between

tom 🕷🕸
how you holding up?
not that it's any of my business, but i just thought..yeah

none of your business? you're my friend
i think you have the right to ask and wanna know how i am

tom 🕷🕸
yeah okay that's true
i just thought that i would be invading your privacy or something 

not at all
i'm actually really really good which is weird
i'm lucky to have such supportive and loving friends or i really don't think i would be okay and works been distracting me a lot

tom 🕷🕸
that's good, really good. i'm glad to hear that you're okay. ngl i was worried you wasn't, i mean you've seemed it but i thought it was just a cover up. i know how hard breakups are. i just, you know, thought you wasn't as okay as you seemed. if that makes sense

nope, it's all real. the happiness is all real
you just don't see the sadness online but there's not a lot of it
i'm getting through it, and i am happy
it's just sometimes, you know when your thoughts just get the better of you, i just shut everything out. i don't want my sadness rubbing off on anyone
and thank you for, you know, worrying about me. i appreciate it

tom 🕷🕸
i get it, happens to everyone. you shouldn't have to go through it alone though, you know. i know i wouldn't want to, so i'm here if you wanna rub any sadness on me instead.
god okay that sounded weird, i didn't mean it like that. i just meant i'm here, always, to talk if you ever feel sad and i won't care.

haha just a little bit weird
i really appreciate you, hope you know that
i'll remember that next time then if i'm feeling down again

tom 🕷🕸
i'm glad, i'm always here for you
yes, remember

you know, i'm really glad we're friends
i'm glad lizzie pushed this, even though i hate to admit it haha

tom 🕷🕸
me too! haha yeah, we don't need to tell her that though

yeah, no telling her
don't wanna make her ego grow, do we

tom 🕷🕸
no we don't

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

double update because this chapter was all done and needed no editing!

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