liii. he's happy

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"TOM HASN'T STOPPED TALKING ABOUT YOU. It's a bit annoying sometimes but he's happy, so I guess that means I have to be happy." Harrison told the girl sitting in the passenger seat of his car. Olivia smiled, which Harrison noticed, as she stared out the window to her left.

Olivia sighed before she spoke. "You don't think I'm leading him on or anything, do you?" Her voice came out quieter that she expected. Harrison could only just about hear her.

Harrison frowned. "What? Of course not, why would I think that? You're not doing that, are you?" Harrison said, suddenly feeling worried for his best friend.

"No! God, no!" Olivia exclaimed, quickly defending herself. She would never do that to Tom, ever. "I just, I read things and people have said that's what it looks like I'm doing and I guess in a way it does look like that but I promise, it's not what I'm doing." Olivia said, keeping her eyes on the scenery outside.

"Well, in that case, it doesn't look like that. At least from my perspective." Harrison reassured the girl, who simply nodded.

The rest of the car journey was moderately quiet, with only a couple words being exchanged, but it wasn't awkward at all, it was a comfortable silence. It wasn't long till they arrived at set, Olivia practically fell out the car in excitement. Harrison guided the girl through the set in London, taking the quickest route to Tom's trailer. Once they reached his trailer, Harrison let Olivia knock, knowing Tom would be more surprised as he was expecting Harrison and not Olivia.

Olivia's hand slowly knocked against the door of Tom's trailer. She took a step back, waiting for Tom to answer.

Tom, who was inside watching TV, wasn't startled by the knock but once he reached the door and opened it, he was definitely startled. Olivia stood there, smiling at him as he stood in front of her in shock. Seeing her was the last thing Tom would expect.

"Surprise!" Her voice echoed through Tom's ears, as he continued to stare at her. Olivia stifled a laugh at the shocked look on Tom's face, she knew he'd be surprised but she didn't expect him to be this speechless. Olivia took a step closer to Tom, who had finally cracked a smile. 

"Olivia—what are you doing here?"

"I've come to see you obviously." The girl said, rolling her eyes playfully. Tom only laughed, reaching out and grabbing Olivia by the waist, pulling her closer to him. Olivia didn't have time to say anything else because a pair of lips were being pressed against hers. She couldn't help but smile into the kiss, feeling happy that Tom was happy with her arrival.

The kiss they shared was only short, being in the presence of Harrison. When Tom pulled away, he looked down at the girl in his arms. "I'm so happy you're here, you have no idea."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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tomholland2013 ❤️❤️

view all 7,280 comments
tagged oliviastan


veronicastclair get yourself a girl that'll take time out of her schedule to fly to the movie set you're on just to see you, oh wait you've already got one
tomholland2013 damn right i do

username LOVES

oliviastan i've missed you so much
tomholland2013 i've missed you too, you have no idea


hazosterfield you're welcome
[ liked by oliviastan ]

elizabetholsenofficial you cuties

lauraharrier where do i find myself an olivia stan
oliviastan u can't, i'm one of a kind

username liv is a lucky lucky girl
oliviastan you got that right
[ liked by tomholland2013 ]

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

I AM SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN WEEKS. i had massive writers block for this chapter but i finally wrote it today so it's kinda messy and bad because i'm stressed and tired but i wanted to get something up. sorry for any mistakes but i'm too tired to check it right now, i'll do it tomorrow. enjoy !

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