A Detour Full Of Trouble

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 I awoke to the sounds of banging. " Breakfast is ready! Everyone get up!" I heard Artemis yell. Artemis was the very talented man who played the guitar last night. He's also a very good cook. " I guess we've got to get up now. Darn it." I yawned, stretchy myself up into a sitting position on my bed. I threw my legs over the side of it, standing up and walking over to my crate of clothes. I grabbed a black shirt that was a bit oversized, and some black pants. I threw on a white vest and a black jacket. I threw on my worn out black boots and grabbed my necklace. It was a crystal, purple crystal with blue hidden in it. I grabbed my hat, which was just a simple beanie I needed because of the cold.

I ran out of my cabin quickly and ran towards the area we hang around when eating. It was a simple, small dining area, with a small kitchen and some tables. We only had three small tables, so some of us had to sit on the floor or stand, which I was perfectly fine with. I grabbed my tray, which consisted of some fruit such as a banana and some cut strawberries. We also had some toast today. I sat down next to the captain, who was sitting at the far back table. He nodded towards me, smiling.

He patted the seat next to him, and I sat down. " I've got some news to share with the crew, and I need everyone today to be well focused on the task at hand. If I'm absent or in my office, you, as the first mate, would need to make sure that their behavior is under control. Before I bring up the discussion with the rest of the crew, I want to make sure you'll be able to do this. "You up for the challenge?" He questioned. I saluted him, nodding my head. " I can handle anything you throw at me, sir!" He smiled, his head nodding in approval. " Alrighty then." He whispered. He cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention. He stood up from where he sat, his back straightening.

" Listen here, mates! Today we make way towards the far South Island, which will be the last port we stop at before making the all days trip towards the island. Today I will be charting course throughout the island with Sora," He mentioned, making Sora lighten up a bit. He loves to help chart maps, I mean, he is our Navigator after all. " And so I will be away in my office for most of the day. With that being said, I trust that while Sora and I plan the route we will take once we reach the island, I am putting my first mate, Orion, in charge." Everyone looked towards me, and I blushed a bright red.

This isn't my first rodeo with this crew, and I love them like the family I never had, but I'm still a bit shy. " Anyone who doesn't like that can take it up with me. So for today's start, before I head into my cabin, I will need everyone to make haste with breakfast so that we've got more time out on the deck preparing and steering and so forth."

He sat back down again, motioning Sora to come over here. He sat down, and I smiled. " So captain, what exactly do you have in mind for the route? What does the map look like? Could I still get some time out on the deck please?" He took a quick breath, and then proceeded to ask many questions. I looked towards the captain, and he looked back at me. He rolled his eyes playfully, then cleared his throat. " Let me at least digest my food, mate, before I've got to be stuck answering all one thousand of your never-ending curiosity." He pats Sora's back, then began finishing his plate off. " Well, it'll be a bit before I need you, so you can help everyone out on the deck." The captain said. He left us alone after that, and as he left he yelled at us to finish up. We scarfed the food down, and in a rush, most of us ran up towards the deck.

We all got to work, Sora running towards the rig, and William ran with a mop in hand, spotting a mess near the bow. I ran towards the wheel, ready and awaiting Sora to give the all clear. He fumbled with the rigging at first but then got everything under control. The sails flew open, instantly catching the cool Winter breeze. The sails moved the boat North, and as we got farther away from the port, I turned to starboard, starting the course towards the Southern port. I was smiling like an idiot, I was so happy! I every minute of it. My friends. My family, and I together, sailing the salty yet fierce sea and having a great time doing so.

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