Chp 4

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Annie: " Austin ?! "

Ohhhh shit !

Austin : " Oh hi sweetie "

Annie: " What the hell is going on here"

Cara (Me) : " Is not what it looks like "

Annie: " Oh really cause it looked to me like I was interrupting a moment right there "

Austin: " Anne please I was just talking to her about you, she was very sad about you not talking to her that she called me "

Annie: " Oh "

Cara: " Sorry if I made you think that something was happening "

Annie: " No I'm sorry for yelling and acting crazy "

Cara: " Hug ? "

Annie: " I really need one "

Austin: " Ok well I'm gonna go now "

Anne and I where so happy that things where back to normal ( well almost normal ) that we didn't even realize that Austin was gone.

~ 2 hours past ~

Anne had already left my house but we spend hours and hours talking you know girl stuff but not girly shopping and that kind of stuff just teenage girl talks.

* checks phone, 5 snapchats from annie_styles. opens *

" Good lord she is so weird  "


1 month had past and a lot happens in that month oh and school has started.

Annie: " Hey senior "

{Yep, senior year is here}

Cara: " Ugh don't even start "

Annie : " Cheer up SENIOR "

Cara: " Oh god please stop "

Annie: " Oh! did you hear the rumors ?"

Cara: " Which one ? "

{ In high school life is a rumor }

Annie: " Ok well apparently Claudia is pregnant ! "

Cara: " Shut up ! really ?! "

Annie : " Yep "

Cara: " God I hate that girl "

Annie: " Don't we all "

* school bell ring *

Anne: " See you later " 

~ schools over and we meet at the parking lot ~

Annie: " hey girly, we should do a singles ladies night out "

"SINGLE?! WHAT?!"yep that's you guys right now. Yep Austin and Annie broke up he's still our friend tho but they just didn't love each other anymore. It's not a that juicy ..

Cara: " Sure, where should we go "

Annie: * starts laughing * you'll see

So where at the place and guess where we are, a gay club .. o and guess who's the special guest performer, the one and only Austin Mahone ! yeah but it was still awkward between me and Austin.

Annie: " So, do you like .. ?

Me : " Sure .. "

Annie: " Come on lest dance !! "

We danced for like 2 hours with out stoping, man that girl can move !

All of a sudden i see Austin heading our way .

Austin: " Hey girls, um what are you doing here ? "

Annie: " Just parting ! "

Austin: " And you agreed to this ? " *looking at me*

Me: " I did not know we were coming here "

Austin: " Wanna dance ? "

{ and instead you forgot I still have a huge crush on him }

Me: " Um sure why not "

So we danced for hours and incase your wondering what Anne was doing she was just making out with gay dudes but we did have to stop them and take her to my place and of course Austin helped me out

~ at my place ~

Me: " Um thanks a lot for helping me with Anne "

Austin: " No problem, anytime "

Austin was about to leave when ..

Me: " Austin .. "

Austin: " Yeah ? "

Me so stupid I run towards him and kissed him ... well ok . He didn't stop it tho.

Austin: " ......... "

•• well till next time hopefully for tomorrow chap 5 is up .


ps. Anne was passed out in my bed room oh and wtf why was Austin preforming at a gay club .. ?

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