Chp 6

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Austin: " It's about last night, I didn't use protection.. "

" You what?! " Anne yelled.

Anne: " Cara what the hell is he talking about !?! "

Me: " Umm well remember when I told you I was in the shower when you where sleeping.. well I wasn't"  * I say nervously *

Anne: "So you lied to me, again ?!"

Me: "Im so sorry, I really didn't know who to tell you. You have to understand this has been really hard for me"

Anne: "Hard for you?! Hard for you?! Oh please im sorry that your boyfriend broke up with you MONTHS AGO but just because me and Austin broke up does not mean that he is just yours now!" 

Austin: "Hey Anne relax!"

Anne: "Shut up! I can't believe you would do this to me"

Me: "Annie, Im not using my break up as an excuse, I just don't know what to do because i don't want to hurt you but i can't help what i feel." 

Austin: "Did you forget that we broke up.. Cause I can date anyone i want and im sorry that the person i want is your best friend" 

Anne: " I need to go I can't deal with this right now"

- Anne leaves -

Me: " Well nice job that was not the way i wanted her to find out but hey I guess she wont mind that the first thing she heard was " I didn't use protection last night" ..."

Austin: "Hey im sorry i didn't know she was there"

Me: "Whatever, i just lost my best friend but hey now i don't  really have to sit down tell her" 

- 2 days have passed and I've heard nothing form Anne -

*door bell rings* 

Austin: "Lest go"

Me: "Yeah, we are late. Hey do you have free period today after lunch? "

Austin: "No sorry"

Me: "Anne does but she's not speaking to me so i don't really know what to do. "

 We arrived at school and the first person I see is Anne and of course I'm with Austin. But I can't really hide the fact that we are together so i just know what to do. But hey why not walk up to her. 

Me: "Hey..." 

-Anne smiles ans keeps walking- 

Me: " Um ok thats good too" 

Austin: "Come on, she will talk to you sooner or later" 

Me: "Looks like later is very very far in the future" 

Im in my free period now and the only think i could think of is Anne and what the hell am i gonna say to her now. 

-Anne walks in the room- 

*Cara waves*   *Anne smiles and sits next to Cara without saying a word* 

Me: "Hey... Can we talk?"

Anne: " Im not really in the mood."

Me: "Please, I just want to get this over and be friends again because I miss you so much."

Anne: "I know, I miss you too but what you did really hurt me. I don't think any of the other girls would do this to me."

Me: "Please don't compare me to them, you know im not like them, I know they are much better friends but you have to understand that I didn't mean any of this to happen."

Anne: "Its not the fact that you slept with my ex its just you didn't tell me that you still liked him or that there was something going on and to find out the way I did was terrible. "

Me: " I know and im so sorry, i really did want to tell you its just i didn't know how"

Anne: "Ive heard that story before"

Me: "Look ok yes I like your ex-boyfriend and i know that like breaking the girl code but trust me I really did want to tell you i just didn't want to upset you."

Anne: "Look I get it it would have been hard to tell you if I was in your position but I would have still done it and im not saying that we are not gonna be friends again but its gonna be weird at first. "

Me: "Hey look I understand, can we go eat something with the girls?"

Anne: "Sure, I can do that"

Me: "Ok perfect"

Anne: "Oh hey weird question but you did check that you weren't pregnant right? "



Ok so I hope you liked this chapter 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2016 ⏰

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