Killua Zoldyck

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Anime:  Hunter x Hunter (modern day)
Quick A\N
I'm trying a new writing style for this one so tell me if you like it or not.
Triggers:  There will be bullying and slut shaming

You sit alone at the table like you do everyday.  It's not like you cared anymore. Afterall, nobody wanted to sit with the school slut.

Not even two weeks after you started going to Hunter Academy, the bullies there ruthlessly called you anything they wanted. Threw whatever food they wanted at you and beat you whenever they pleased.

After the first few times you stopped trying to fight back. It was useless. If you tried to fight they would only skip worse to you, so why bother?

"Hey, slut, how much do I have to give you time suck my dick?" Chrollo asks you. You look behind him and see his gang.

His gang members laugh behind him. You found nothing funny. You stay silent as an answer. You look down at the lunch table. You never ate much.

"Bitch,  he asked you a question." Machi says after she stops laughing. 

You still don't answer. Instead you attempt to stand up and leave. Chrollo's goons stand in your way and don't let you pass no matter how hard you try. 

"Where the hell do you think your going slut?!" Uvogin says as he throws you onto the ground.

They whole gang begins to kick you as you lay there taking whatever came at you. They did it so much to the point where it didn't hurt much anymore.

It was then that you started to think. Why do you deserve this? What did you do to deserve this hell everyday. Because of them, your life was a living hell. You have deal with this bullshit everyday and what do you get from it. Bruises and scars? To wake and not want to live? Whatever the answer was, you began to cry thinking about it.

They were finally finished. But this time you didn't get up. You decided to lay there on the floor. You cry harder; so hard you couldn't breathe. Then you get up. You don't know why but you just did. There was no motivation.  You just got up wiped your face and continued on with your day.

The walk to the bathroom was atrocious. Everything ached. But despite that you keep going. You look into the mirror and feel nothing but disgust with yourself. You face is bruised and bleeding. Your (H/C) (H/L) is tangled and dirty. And frankly you look like shit. You lift up your shirt and see the marks they left. That'll be a pain later. You wash your face and go to your next class. The day goes on with insults and whispers about you much to your dismay, but at this point, you wanted to go home and sleep.

The walk home was worse than the walk to the bathroom. It was longer and there were more people. Once you got to your street you notice there  is a person moving into the house next to your's. You make eye contact with a boy that looks about your age with white hair. Great he'll probably go to your school. One more person to talk about you in the hallways.

When you get into your house the first thing you do is go up to your room and fall face first onto your bed. No matter what your bed will always be your best friend. Before falling asleep the last thing you think is tomorrow will be better. 

The next day

Despite your wishes your alarm clock blares into your room and forces you to wake up. Another day.

Not really caring, you pick something off your floor, go into the bathroom, take a shower and put it on.

You walk downstairs into the kitchen and put some bread in the toaster. You eat your toast plain. Then it's time to leave. Grabbing your backpack and shoes you bid farewell to your house.

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