Katsuki Bakugou

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Anime: My hero Academia

You made it into the hero course. With all your efforts and power you made it. Despite your own self doubt and low self-esteem you still managed to get in. The third student from your school along side Bakugou and Midoriya, you were the third.

When walking into the building you spotted Midoriya looking very anxious, but honestly who could blame him. You were probably just as nervous as he was on the inside. While yours was less visual, you were about to have a lowkey panic attack in your head.

After the long walk through the building you finally found it. The classroom 1-A. When you get there you see Midoriya at the door just standing there, so you go stand behind him waiting for him to open the door. You wait for about 10 seconds and he doesn't.

"Are you gonna open the door or just stand there staring at it?" You ask.

You see him flinch a little and turn around to look at you.

"Oh (Y/N). I didn't see you there." He says, scraching the back of his head and laughing awkwardly.

"Yeah, so can you open the door please?"

"O-of course." He says, turning around and sliding the door open.

When the door opens enough for you to see inside you see that Bakugou is also I'm your class. Poor Midoriya.

"Get your feet off of the desk. You're disrespecting this establishment by scuffing up the desk." Some guy in glasses says to Bakugou.

"Ehh? You're kidding right? Your old school put a stick up your ass?" Bakugou says back.

You chuckle at that. Obviously, Bakugou nor Midoriya have changed much. Midoriya still is scared by the most trival things and Bakugou is still vulgar with his words.

When you were in middle school you were on good terms with them both. Not enough to call friends, but if you spoke to them they'd speak back and not ignore you. You tried to the best of your ability not to get involved with Bakugou's bullying Midoriya, but when he told Midoriya to kill himself that when you had to step in.

Ooooo a flashback.

"Ne, Deku, why don't you just kill yourself already? It's not like it matters." You heard Bakugou say.

Hearing this you stood up and approached him.

"That was uncalled for and just flat out completely rude. What would you do if he actually killed himself and it was your fault? You'd could be suspended or even expelled for something like that. I don't know what happened with you two in the past, but I think you took it too far with that one. Did you ever stop to realize that Midoriya actually looks up to because you have an amazing quirk? Or were you too blinded by your unnecessary hatred for him to even stop and listen to what he has to say? God, people like you kinda piss me off. Just for once in your goddamn life, leave him alone." You say.

When you look at his face he looked actually hurt for a second, but when he realized you were looking at him he dismissed the thought and said, "Whatever." Walking away.

You shake off the memory and walk into the classroom. After Bakugou and who was known as Tenya Iida saw Midoriya they stopped arguing. You look around the room one for the only seats left is next to Bakugou. You thought you'd take the L for Midoriya, so you walked toward it.

"May I sit here?" you ask Bakugou.

"Do what you like."

You sit down.

"Hey, dork, how'd that Deku get in?" Bakugou asked.

He's always called you that; even back in middle school.

"I'm wondering the same thing. The last time I check he didn't have a quirk. I saw in the exam that he took down a giant robot with one hit, but I don't know how he did it." You say back.

You hear him murmur something under his breath, but decided not to ask what he said.

While Midoriya and Iida are still at the door another girl comes in with brown hair. You didn't care enough to listen, but when you looked back at the door there was a person in a sleeping bag on the floor.

"I'm Shota Aizawa, your homeroom teacher. Let's get straight to the point; put these on and meet me outside on the training course." he said.

Once you got changed and outside you let Mr. Aizawa explain what you were supposed to be doing and got to it. You tried your best, but ultimately ended up with a mediocre score. You saw that Midoriya ended up at the bottom despite his best efforts. That's real tough for him. You saw Bakugou give him a dirty look after the ball toss.

Overall, school was boring as hell and you pretty much spaced out for the rest of your classes, not caring enough to pay attention. On the way out you saw Bakugou and Midoriya yelling at each other. Bakugou was crying.

He wiped his face when he saw you, making Midoriya look at you. You felt really awkward in that situation, so you decided to walk through like you didn't see anything.

"Hey, dork!" you hear Bakugou tell at you.


Now you had to turn around and face him. Or else he'd get mad at you and that was the last thing you needed. You turned to look at him and surprisingly he didn't look like he was about to blow your face off.

"You're coming with me whether you like it or not."

It's not like you could say no.

"Umm okay." you say.

He starts to walk in front of you and you follow, but not before giving a quick wave to Midoriya.

Almost the whole time, you were behind Bakugou, so he stops to let you catch up a little bit. Once you're next to him, he begins to walk again. Now you two are walking side by side.

It was so quiet to the point where it was giving you anxiety, so you decide to say something.

"Hey, so where are we going?" you ask.

"Somewhere. Just keep walking and you'll find out soon enough." Bakugou replies.

Not the answer you were looking for, but at least he didn't yell at you.

"Are you trying to bait me into not telling anyone you were crying earlier? Because I wouldn't have told even if you didn't ask me not to." you say.

"Shut up. I'm not trying to bait you into anything." he says.

Is he just trying to be nice? You guess this was his own way of doing it. You smile at him. He's not a bad guy despite what everyone says about him.

"Hey, what are you smiling like that for, dork?" he asks.

"You're just trying to do something nice for me?" you ask.

"Tch." was all he said as his cheeks turned red.

Your smile turns into a laugh as you look at him embarrassed.

"Shut up! Anyway were here." he says avoiding your gaze.

It was a boba tea place. You wondered how he knew you loved it (idc if you like boba tea or not). Either he just liked it or he was knew that it was your favorite.

You both say down at a booth and waited for the waiter to come over and take your order. You both end up getting the same thing. It was nice just to relax like this every once in a while. 

When you sat down, your hands were resting on the table. You feel something resting on your hands and when you looked up it was Bakugou's hand resting on yours. Bakugou still wasn't looking and you, but his face was sort of red. You smile a little at him and interlaced your fingers with his

He smiled too.


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