Bruised | Jimin

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requested by minseo674
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Warnings of abuse and violence

if you are not comfortable, you have the option to not read this.


"Y/N get up!"


Y/N slowly opened her eyes to find Jimin glaring at her. Y/N could smell the alcohol from his breath and her heartbeat sped up significantly.

Fear coursed through her body as she timidly got out of bed and stood shakily on her feet. Silence settled between them as they stared at each other.

The calm before the storm.

Y/N tensed as she saw Jimin raise his hand and mentally prepared herself for the blow. The first blow was a harsh slap to the face which left a red handprint on Y/N's cheek. Y/N knew by now that if she cried, she would be hurt more than she already was.

The next blow was a punch to the arm which would definitely bruise in the morning. The next punch was one to the stomach, knocking Y/N's breath out of her body. She bit her lip to keep her tears from coming but knew sooner or later that they would drop.

"Y/N you are worthless, you know that?" Jimin drunkenly slurred, as he pushed her to the bed harshly. At this point, Y/N only stayed silent knowing that no reaction was better than any reaction. 

"Y/N, you belong to me and only me. Understood?" 

Jimin roared the last part, terrifying Y/N but she kept silent and only gave a small nod.

He started to strip Y/N down to her bare self as she kept still, not fighting against it. She didn't fight what came next too.

Two hours later, Jimin was lying in bed with Y/N peacefully, breathing deeply as he slept in his semi-drunken state. But Y/N was wide awake as she began to cry silently, tears wetting the sheet below her. 

How did she end up here? In this situation? She was so sure that Jimin was a kind and good person at heart which made her tolerate his abusive side a little more; Y/N was still waiting for his kinder side to come back.

They barely saw each other in the day since both of them were working. Y/N and Jimin used to meet up at a cafe right after work to talk about their day. But after two years of dating, they only saw each other at night when Jimin came home drunk and had another "episode."

Y/N's heart clenched painfully as she noted the purple and red bruises that marked her entire body. Even a feather-light touch on one of her bruises made Y/N flinch in pain.

What did she do to deserve this?


"Y/N, are you okay?"

Eunsoo looked worriedly at Y/N as she saw how Y/N was limping as they walked back to Y/N's apartment that she shared with Jimin. Y/N's bruises from the other night had become more painful the next morning and Y/N tried to make it seem like she was okay. But the pain was too much at times and she limped when she walked.

Y/N gave a small smile, which made Eunsoo suspicious, and replied,

"I'm fine Eunsoo-yah! Don't worry, it's just that I'm a little tired..."

Eunsoo hesitantly nodded, seeing that the look in Y/N's eyes contradicted what she just said. She has known Y/N since second grade, so she knew when something was wrong. Instead, she just sighed and went along with Y/N's little "lie" as they made their way back to the apartment.

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