Chapter 42: Saving The World

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We started making the most positive comments. "uHg.. yOU PatHetIc pOKemoN TrYIng tO sAVE ThIS PatHeTiC wOrlD" Dark Matter's sheild disappeared. Then me and Zap used hydro pump and thunderbolt making dark matter scream in pain. Then it just vanished in thin air. "Good job! But... It will be back in a few years" Marshadow said. "The pokemon in this world won't stop making negative thoughts and soon dark matter will be back. "Not on my watch" said a voice from behind. I turned around and saw a jirachi and a ball of light. Jirachi used some move up to the sky and a big barrier appeared around us. "Dark matter never will get through that" jirachi said. "Hi jirachi!" Zap said. "So was your wish granted?" jirachi said. Jirachi gave a akward look to me. Something about me had to do with a wish? "Hi im the voice" the ball of light said. "I chose you out of all the humans in your dimension" it said. "For two reasons" jirachi jumped in. "One your a very detemined human and two I had to grant his wish still" jirachi said as she pointed at Zap. Zap waved at me.

-one day later-

Marshadow was now apart of our expedition team. He took it as an honor and add said he was the "The first ghost type in a expidition society team". We also discovered his intrest in technoligy and we recomended him to take the expidition society tech class. He liked the idea and he started taking more science relates classes. Zap was happier than ever and he started to recruite more pokemon to out expidition team and for me I didn't know what to do. Then I remembered... That I didn't remember my human life. I was so caught up in my new memories I didn't even think about my old ones.(which were gone..)

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