Chapter 6

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  ((TRIGGER WARNINGS: Rape, Yelling, Verbal Abuse, Physical Abuse))

Micah panicked slightly. What would he do if Rowan died? He'd go to jail if that happened. And he did not want to go to jail. He didn't know what was going on. He saw Rowan breathing, but just barely, and he was unresponsive to anything he tried. "Rowan!" Micah called, fear flaring in his eyes. Rowan didn't respond. Micah pulled out his phone and began searching the internet on what to do. First, it said to call the police if any of the following apply... Well, he couldn't call the police. For obvious reasons. The next thing to do was lay the person on their back. Then check if they were responsive. As he'd already tried with no luck. The step after that was to simply wait until the person regained consciousness. Micah sat by Rowans side, keeping a close watch on his breathing and pulse, until five minutes had passed. At five minutes, Rowan began shifting slightly, and he lifted a hand slowly to touch his face. Rowans eyes flicked open gently, and he looked up at Micah, confusion clouding his gaze. "What... What happened?" Rowan asked, sounding groggy, moving to a sitting position. "You fainted. I'm going to have you lay down in our bed until you've recovered okay?" Rowan nodded slowly, obviously still confused before Micah scooped him up in his arms, carrying him to the bed and laying him there. Rowan fell asleep on his side right away.

~Next Morning~

Rowan opened his eyes, glazed and tired. He stretched as he got up, rolling onto his side, expecting to feel Micahs body and warmth when he did so, but he flopped over onto a freezing cold bed sheet. Micah hadn't been here for a while. Rowan couldn't remember anything that happened. He slowly got to his feet, ignoring the dull ache in his head. He plodded down the stairs, feet setting gently. The house was quiet, and the only sound was the harsh wind whistling through the trees. He blinked groggily before heading into the kitchen. Micah wasn't here either. Strange. Rowan sat, eyes focused on the table as his milk heated in the microwave. The dinging noise that indicated the milk was finished filled the silent house. Rowan got up on his feet, heading to the microwave. He grabbed the hot mug, placing it on the counter before spooning in hot chocolate powder. He went to the couch, and caught a glance outside just as he was about to turn and sit. Piles of white snow blanketed the ground, piled up high, and sharp spikes of snow dashed downward against the wind, like a blizzard. Rowan smiled. He'd always loved snow. There had always been something so beautiful about it. Maybe because it was always a great time when he was a child. He watched the snow fall to the ground everlastingly as he sipped upon his hot cocoa.

He noticed too that Micahs car was gone from the driveway. That was really odd. Micah never left without telling Rowan first. He shrugged it off. It wasn't too big of a deal. As he was nearing the end of his mug, he saw bright orange lights glow against the street just beyond the hedge. It must be Micah, since this street wasn't considered very popular. And he was right. Within moments, the black car turned up onto the driveway, Micah sitting in the drivers seat. Rowan slid away from the window and went to sitting on the couch, gulping down the remains of his cocoa. He heard the beeping noise of the code being put in, then the door being opened. Rowan looked over, seeing Micah, who was holding a bag in one hand and something that sort of looked like flowers in the other. Micah looked over, noticing his boyfriend. "Ah, Rowan. You're awake. Well uh.. I got some things for you." He smiled, pulling off his boots with his feet, then placing down the two objects and throwing his coat to the ground. Rowan blinked wide eyed at Micah. A gift? For him? "Oh, ah.. Thank you." He nodded, adding a bright smile. Micah dipped his head, picking back up the flowers and the bag. He padded over and sat himself beside Rowan on the couch. "Here, you can look in the bag first." Rowan nodded, eyes glittering with interest, a faint smile curling his lips upward. He reached into the bag, his hands first touching something fluffy. He gripped it gently, then pulled it out. It was a light brown teddy bear, its round black eyes staring at nothing. It held a small red heart in its paws. Rowan couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach. "Micah... Thank you so much." He smiled widely at the gift, hugging it to his chest. "Okay, there's one more thing in there." Micah reminded. Rowan reached back in, feeling something plastic, cardboard, and square. He pulled it out. It was a box full of chocolates. He didn't know exactly why Micah was giving him all these things, but he felt so very grateful, a blush dusting his cheeks. He placed the chocolate to the side, and instantly, Micah spoke again. "And.. I got you some white roses too." He purred, handing Rowan the roses. "You're probably wondering why I got all this stuff for you right?" Rowan nodded, though kept smiling. "Well, last night was sort of... Tough... I won't go into detail but I bought these as an apology because I felt bad." Micah shrugged. Rowan put aside the white roses, then wrapped Micah in a hug, grinning from ear to ear. "Micah you are honestly so amazing. I love you." He wasn't exactly sure if he even believed his own words, but he had to sell it if he wanted Micah to be happy with him. Soon enough, Micah returned the hug, sure to be gentle against Rowans frail body. "I love you too. Will you forgive me?" Rowan didn't remember what had happened, but this surely made up for it. "Yes Micah. Of course." 

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