Chapter 6

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I grabbed Zayn's hand as we stepped off of the airplane. The bodyguards, including the boys, surrounded me to make sure I wouldn't be harmed. Louis gave me sunglasses so the flashes wouldn't blind me. As we stepped through the long tunnel, Zayn picked me up.

"Hey Em, we're going to go through that crowd again and I want you to close your eyes and keep them shut till I tell you to open them." He handed me his phone and some ear buds, "Put these in and listen to some music ok. It has our song in it."

He was talking about the song he sang to me last night. I liked how he called it our song. It made me feel special. I did as he said and put them in and shut my eyes. I held on to Zayn's shirt as he started walking again. I concentrated on the words, repeating them as it was sang.

I'll keep you safe. Try hard to concentrate. Hold out your hand. Can you feel the weight of it? The whole world at your fingertips. Don't be afraid.

It worked just as he promised. I opened my eyes when I felt Zayn's finger tap on my shoulder. He took off my sunglasses and out came the ear buds.

"There are my pretty brown eyes." He said smiling. I smiled right on back. Zayn defiantly earned my trust the first time I was with him.

The driver weaved in between the streets of London. I stared out the window in disbelief at the city. I had never been out of the country before, but I did move around from foster home to foster home all around the U.S.

The boys laughed at my facial expressions as we passed by Big Ben. The huge clock sparkled in the rising sun. We pulled into a narrow driveway that was surrounded by large trees. Then a huge white house- no mansion- came into view. It was about two stories high but very long.

It had two brown wooden doors and about 500 windows covering it. On the top floor in the middle, a section was circular giving the house some architectural design. It was beautiful sight.

"This is our house. You can go anywhere you like, though I wouldn't suggest Harry's room." Liam continued, "Your bedroom is upstairs in the circular part. Miss Drew told us you liked books so we added a few in the library on the top floor. The backyard has a butterfly garden if you'd like to read out there or by the pool."

The car pulled around the circular driveway and stopped. Everyone stepped out of the car and Harry took my duffle. Liam ran up the steps and unlocked the door. He looked as excited as I felt.

He opened the house door and I was in awe. The white double doors with gold accents opened to reveal tan tile flooring with black diamonds in the pattern. The walls were a similar tan color, but there were three white pillars in a curved line to my right. To my left I saw the back of a curved marble staircase with a black railing. If you didn't go up the stairs and continued left you could make out three bedroom doors.

"This will be your home now," Liam said kneeling down to my height, "Those three bedrooms right there are Niall's, Zayn's, and mine. Louis, you, and Harry will all be on the top floor."

He then pointed toward the pillars and I noticed a small sitting area and that part of the wall was made of glass looking out to a pool. There was also a curved doorway leading somewhere I didn't know.

"Through that doorway is the kitchen, family room, and movie room."

"You have a movie room?" I whispered. They all smiled like they heard the best sound.

Zayn then came over and also knelt to my height, "How about we go see your room?"

I nodded and he picked me up and started climbing the stairs, "We weren't really sure what you'd like so we can change it if you don't like it."

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