Chapter 12

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It had been raining for a straight week now. The sun kept deciding it was too shy to come out apparently. Louis, Niall, and I tried running outside in rain coats and marching around the house while singing “The sun will come out tomorrow. Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there’ll be sun”. It was funny because we woke up all of the boys at four in the morning with our terrible singing. Li yelled at them for letting me outside and then surrounded me in towels to dry off, but it was too much fun to let him ruin it. Although, I don’t know what we would do if no one was responsible in the family.

I pulled off my covers and walked to my windows to open the curtains. I’m guessing the singing worked after all because the sun came through my window and brightened the room. I smiled and opened my door. I was going to be in so much trouble for this later.

I ran up and down the hallway by the boys’ bedroom singing, “The sun came out today. I told you to bet your bottom dollar there’d be sun.”

Harry opened his door half asleep and yawning. Louis, on the other hand, ran out and joined me singing. Lou through me on his shoulders and ran down the steps. We went to the other hallway where the rest of the boys were sleeping.

We continued to sing/scream, “Just thinking about today clears away the rain and the gloominess till there’s none! When I’m stuck with a day that’s grey and lonely, I’ll just stick up my chin and grin and say . . . oh . . . the sun came out today!”

The boys came out of their rooms also half asleep except for Niall who also joined us. We finished the song expecting to hear applause, but all we got were glares from the rest of the boys.

“Thank you. Thank you. I’ll be here the rest of my life. Encore? Maybe later.” I said proudly.

Harry just took me from Louis and walked to the kitchen, “Why? It’s so early.”

“Harry, it’s almost noon.” I stated

“Da**! I am supposed to meet Talya for lunch.”

“Language!”  Liam yelled.

“I was talking about a beaver dam.”

“P-lease! I have heard so much worse.”

“Yeah, ok.” He said walking off to his bedroom to get ready.

“So, can we go to the park today?”

“Can’t. Going with Dani to a movie and dinner.” Liam said.

“What about you Lou?”

“El and I are hanging out.”


“Sorry kiddo. Perrie is coming over.”

“Niall, you’ll come right?”

“Of course.” He poked my nose, “Then we can get ice cream! Now go get dressed.”

I grabbed an apple off the counter and ran upstairs. I picked out my skinny jeans, white spaghetti strap shirt and dark jean vest that had a black hoodie on it. I tied my vans and went downstairs. Niall was already ready so he took my hand and we walked out the door. I looked up at the sun and smiled.

“How far away is the ice cream stand?”

“Just around the block and then we can sit on the field beside it.”

We walked about a block when the stand came into view. It had been so long since I had ice cream. I ordered strawberry and put chocolate fudge on top. Niall got chocolate and put strawberry syrup on it. We sat in the field of flowers beside the stand.

“You have something on your face.” He said


“Everywhere.” He laughed.

“Well, hand me a napkin doofus.”

“No way! I need a picture. Smile!” He took out his phone and I did an awkward face, “Going on twitter.”

He handed me a napkin and I picked up my water bottle after cleaning my face. We threw away our trash and started walking back. We grabbed hands and swung them back and forth.

“There they are!” I heard off in the distance.

A group of people with cameras were running toward us.

“Run Em!” We took off sprinting toward the house. Niall took out his phone and called Zayn I’m guessing.

“Zayn! Come pick us up on Fifth Street! Paps are chasing us!” He hung up and turned to me, “Zayn’s coming.”

Another group of paparazzi came running toward us from the other end and soon we were surrounded by them. I was being stepped on by lots of them. One of the cameras hit my head as people pushed to get loser to Niall.

“Ow!” I screamed.

“Back off! Get off of her! I said move!” No one made a move to go away.

I saw Niall push the people who were on me, “Move!”

He finally got them off and put me on his hip, “Don’t you idiots know when to stop? You were freakin stepping on my daughter and didn’t move!”

Zayn’s car pulled up and Niall put me in the back before climbing in the passenger seat. Perrie was in the back with me. Zayn rolled down his window to say something.

“Zayn it’s not worth it. Let’s just go.” We drove away.

Perrie pulled me into her arms, “Are you ok?”

“I’m fine.”

“Then why is your head red?”

“A camera hit it.”

Niall turned to me, “I’m so sorry baby.”

“I know. It’s not your fault.”

Liam and the boys were pissed at Niall for tweeting the picture. That’s how they knew where we were. But they got over it after I yelled at them for fighting.

“Now tell Niall you are sorry for yelling and that you love him.” They all mumbled sorry, “And?”

Louis randomly decided to sing, “I love you. You love me. We’re a happy family. With a great big hug,” He gave a Niall a huge hug, “And a kiss from me to you. Won’t you say you love me too?”

Lou kissed his cheek and everyone started laughing so hard I’m pretty sure everyone was about to pee themselves.  We are such a dysfunctional family.


Remeber to vote and comment and if you love me you will go to everyday and scroll sideways till you see tour Florida 5SOS. Please click on that then scroll under the leadership board and choose look up by email. Enter and click vote! Please! My friend could win the chance to take me and a few of her friends on tour with them in florida! 

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