Where it begins....two years later

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Newts POV

Life is really something. Being trapped in a maze for almost four years is another thing. Despite what Alby thinks, I really don't think second in command is a job that I deserve. With Thomas coming up in the box only a few days ago, things are definitely different. Even the wind that blows through my hair is slightly unusual. Gally, who thinks Thomas is the cause of this, really has changed. The last time he acted like this was quite a while ago. The sound of Alby Calling my name took me out of my deep thought. I turned my head and waved, not knowing what he wanted. I prayed he wouldn't walk over to me, but as I turned away I heard him walking up behind me.

"Newt I've been calling your name for five minutes." Alby smiled.

"Really? Sorry I've just been thinking that's all." I sighed looking at the grass blow in the wind.

"Are you ok man?" He asked. Alby was always very caring towards me. It can get annoying, especially when I can't get away five feet without him asking where I am going.

"Of course I am, I was just taking a break." I then said.

"You know if your leg..."

"I'm fine. I was just about to see how Thomas is." I said.

"Ok...just be careful." Alby said.

"Yeah because me tripping on a rock on the way to see Thomas is dangerous." I said sarcastically and stood up. Alby sighed and walked the opposite way. I began walking across the glade when the faint sounds of gally and Thomas fighting filled the air. I don't get it with them.

"Perfect just in time newt, please tell this shank that-" but suddenly the sound of the box interrupted Gally's pointless statement. I quickly turned around confused and made eye contact with Alby.

"Wait, is that the box?" Thomas asked. I looked at him and we all ran over to see what was happening. I opened the box and jumped in.

"Newt what do you see?"

I looked down and jumped back when I saw...a girl.

"It's a girl." I said softly.

"A girl? Is she ok?" Thomas asked. Gally stayed quiet.

"I think she is dead." I said bending down to her.

"I'll call over the medjacks, Newt can we talk?" Alby said. I nodded my head as I knew exactly what he was going to say. Thomas and gally helped me out of the box and I walked to the side with Alby

"Look I know what you are going to say." I sighed.

"Actually Newt you don't." Alby said. I stood there crossing my arms and looking to the sky, trying to clear my head of the memories I refuse to relive.

"When she wakes up I want you to make sure she is ok. Give her the tour and such." Alby said.

"And you can't do that why?" I asked.

"Because. Now please change your attitude and get back to work." Alby said raising his voice and then walking away. I don't know why I am in such a bad mood.

A few hours had passed and I was picking weeds out of the ground. It was almost nightfall. So I sat back down and looked at the sun. There was always that perfect moment where the sun would be right before it slid behind the maze wall. It was quite a sight and I look forward to it every night. Even though I haven't appreciated as much, without her here.

Night finally came around and everyone sat around the campfire. We took this time to tell a story to the new greenie.

"And that is why we had to have a rule where only fry is allowed in the kitchen." Alby laughed. I looked around at everyone smiling, even gally. The girl had woken up as well. After the mini meteor shower she had, throwing rocks at us I should say, she seemed pretty ok with us. But I didn't give her the tour, I can't even look at her. There is so much darkness in my life that it is hard to see the light that sometimes shines through.

"Newt!" Thomas said. I jumped up to see everyone looking at me, I must have zoned out again.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked running my fingers through my hair.

"Chuck said it was your turn to share a story." Thomas said.

"M-me? I haven't got anything." I shrugged.

"Oh come on." Thomas said.

"Really I'm being honest." I said.

"He's right, he isn't the person for telling stories, he's pretty messed up." Gally said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked getting defensive.

"You can't tell me I'm wrong." Gally said.

"It's not your place to call me out. Just please shut up for once and move on." I said.

"See this is exactly what I'm talking about! That anger, the pure hatred you have for everyone here." Gally said raising his voice.

"Gally..." Alby said.

"No Alby, go on why don't you tell everyone why you are like this, why you can't even be near Teresa, why you have been treating everyone like shit since that night in the grass. That night where you killed-"

"Gally!" Alby shouted. "Enough." He then said. Gally stood up and stormed off.

"Newt." Thomas said softly, like he was confused, why wouldn't he be? I stood up and stormed off into the woods. I sat below the tree I used to climb before the incident, or at least the one incident. I looked up at the stars praying for some guidance, something to calm me down, something to get my mind off of it, off of....her....

I suddenly heard footsteps. I jumped up to see Thomas.

"Are you alright man?" He asked.

"Never better. I can't stand those bloody campfire get togethers, it never ends well for anyone." I sighed.

"I know I shouldn't be asking this but, what was that all about? What was Gally saying?" Thomas asked.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said quickly.

"Whatever it is, it seems like you need to talk about it, before you do something stupid." Thomas said.

"You have no idea." I said under my breath.

"Well.....I'm here whenever you need to talk." Thomas sighed and started to walk off. Apart of me wanted to talk about it. Maybe keeping my past locked away was bad. I knew I was going to regret this but....

"Wait." I said standing up. Thomas turned around.

"Theresa wasn't the first girl who came up in the box." I sighed.

"What?" Thomas asked shocked. "But you guys said-"

"I know what we said. Her name was Rowan."

*yay new story. I have no idea if this will turn out good but I thought I would give it a chance. Let me know if you like it. Also disclaimer, this story and the characters might act much different then they do in the books/movies, just a heads up! Sorry for any typos of if I spelled anyone's names wrong. More to come as always!*

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