Chapter Four

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I snatch my hand away and hold it in a small fist at my side, " Hello," I smile up at him the best I can, hoping it didn't look too awkward. His eyes watch me as I move back a few more steps; making my way to my apartment.

"Hello," James greets, his voice coming out deep and husky yet it held so much warmth and kindness it made me want to pull him into a hug and bring him up for the night. Maybe I will do that... I mean he seems nice and him and I had a good time last night so why the hell not?

I nod and gesture up to the door at the top of the staircase, "Would you like to come in?" I offer, watching him closely as I bite down on my lip. My hands shaking by my sides, not in anger or anything of the sorts but in nervousness. I don't want him to think I am some creep or that I am desperate.

A small smirk appears on his lips as his eyes lock on mine, wiggling his bushy, well taken care of eyebrows suggestively. My eyes widen as I watch him, his hands moving down his body as he wiggled his hips in a playful manner, "You want this?" The smirk on his lips only grew wider as he watch me, my cheeks heating up. I probably look like an over-sized tomato right now!

Shaking my head quickly, "NO!" I gasp, " I mean, no. I could make you a coffee... Or um food if you want, you look a little hungry" I try to find an excuse to bring him up besides the real reason of me just wanting to spend time with him.

He chuckles and nods, "Lead the way, dollface."

I scrunch up my nose and frown, "Dollface?"

"You don't approve?" He lets out another small laugh as he studies me closely.

"I'm no doll, which means I don't have a doll face," I whisper softly. He takes the stairs slowly, making his way closer to me; with each step he takes forward I take one to but backwards.

"Would you prefer I call you Angel?"

"I am nowhere close to being an angel," I state, staring deep into his blue orbs as my back hits my black wooden door. I clasp onto the handle as I await his response.

"Ahh but you are," His eyes hold so much truth and confidence, it's making me believe that he may actually think that I could even be compared to an angel.

"As far as I know you have a kind heart, though things may have happened to you to bruise and cause some scars to form but that doesn't make you any less than an angel," He stated, backing himself up.

A large frown etches it's way across my face as the words flew out of his lips.

"You barely know me," I argue.

He couldn't think anything or say anything like this that has any meaning, he really doesn't know me. We talked for one night, but that's about it. I may have told him a few things but he doesn't know me. He is a total stranger.

I'm about to let a stranger into my house.

I'm so stupid.

I groan softly and twist the door knob, pushing back against the door before stepping inside. 

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