Chapter Six

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*Here is a short but sweet chapter up for you guys! I will be working on the next one and hope to have it posted for next week. Lucky me, I have no exams!*


Her shoulders slumped as she worked away, her soft sniffles echoed in my ears, in my head. Her body tensing and relaxing, a rhythm of working muscles following the cues of her mind.

I watch her for a while, taking in her beauty and the immense pain and sadness that washed off her in furious waves demanding attention. I stood, making my way into the kitchen and standing by her side.

Evangeline's' hands whisked gracefully. Her body floating around while she made her way to the cupboards, getting bowls and filling them up with the delicious smelling soup that she had just slaved over.

The sight before me had to be one of the saddest things I have ever seen in my life, this defiant girl hunched over, close to tears, I am sure if I looked close enough I would be able to see the stains on her precious cheeks that were left in the tracks of the tears she had let slip past.

Her body turned towards the living room only to turn back to the counter a minute later, not finding me there. It was so tempting to just pick her up into my arms and hold her tight and close. In fact, that is exactly what I did. I scooped the beautiful lady up into my arms and cradled her against my chest, holding onto her as tightly as I possibly could without hurting her.

I could bring her to her room, I thought, but that might be considered a violation. Entering into her sacred place, a place that she hadn't invited me to enter. Instead of taking her to the room, I carry her back out into the crowded, cozy living area.

Evangeline's arms wrapped around my neck, her fingers wrapping around the hairs at the base of my neck.

"You stayed?" Her voice sounds crashing waves on the seashore, so graceful yet raspy and rough at the same time. She has the voice of an angel, the voice of someone who can make anyone drop to their knees and beg for her to say one word, just one word to them. Evangeline's voice sent a ripple of unknown feelings through my body.

The sadness of her voice sent a deep crack through my thudding heart, " Of course... I mean- I'll stay if you want me to." The words came out in a rushed jumble. Her deep swirling orbs met mine, her gaze pleading.

"Please do," Her arms tightening into a death grip around my neck.

Comfort. She needs comfort, James. I think back to the one of many times my sister had come home after a fight with her supposedly her 'best friend.' Anytime I had tried to comfort her it would wind up a disaster, she just shut me out- the harder I tried to help the farther she'd push me away- perhaps I'm scared she will do the same. But I've had to learn to not live in the past, and I'm going to take the risk.

I start down the tiny hallway and ask her what door. She looks up at me and I start to regret making this decision.

"Second to the left," She replies nuzzling her face into my chest. The warmth of her breath seeps through my skin and into my bloodstream.

I follow her instructions, opening the door and finding the only tidy room in the whole house, her bedroom. I paid no attention to anything but the made bed on the other side of the room. Evangeline whimpers into my neck, her tears flow from her eyes and soaking into my shirt. My hand moves up and down her back, tracing her vertebrae while moving to her bed. She leaned into my touch.

I attempt to lay her down in the bed but she clutches onto me, refusing to let go. I opt to slide myself onto the cheap mattress, letting her lay on top of me. Evangeline curls into a ball, her hands clutching at the soft fabric of my shirt.

I hum a soft melody that my mother used to sing to me in her ears, my hands drawing shapes over her back. Slowly her body grows relaxed, her frame slumping over me and soft snores leave her lips. Her snores as cute and sweet as an infant's.

"Good night Princess," I whisper to her. I get a muffled string of words from her in return. I close my eyes and let myself relax, drifting off in a dreamless sleep with the beautiful angle lounged on top of me.

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