Chapter Seven

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The warm, thick body of a snake slithers around my waist and squeeze me until I can't breathe. Until my face goes red and tears are streaming down my cheek. My mouth gaping, pleading for air. Pleading for just one breath.

I jolt awake to find the snakes still wrapped around my waist, pressing me against a firm, warm chest. I squirm in the snakes' arms as my mind slowly works out everything that had happened. From my embarrassing emotional meltdown to James bringing me to bed. I freeze in his arms and look down at my body, ensuring that he hadn't chosen to take advantage of me.

Luckily he hadn't. In fact, James had put a layer of blankets around me while leaving himself out. He had created a barrier to ensure that I knew nothing had happened.

I turn over and face his handsomely chiselled face. My fingers grazed over the rough stubble growing on his jawline. The mere touch caused the rich man to shift in his sleep.

His eyes fluttered open. James looked at me as if he were a little boy looking up at his so-called true love. His eyes shone with such innocence, it was hard to believe this was still the demanding, arrogant rich man that entered the cafe.

"Morning," his husky voice filled the room. His morning voice sent a jolt of pleasure through my body and down to my core.

"Good morning." My words come out my formal than I intend them to. I give a stiff nod and jump out of his lovely warm arms. "Thank you... You know, for last night." I stutter.

He smiled softly up at me. With his body sprawled out across my mattress, he looked more relaxed than I had ever seen him. He looked like he was at home.

"I would do it again and again. If you'd let me. Evangeline," he starts, "You don't have to be lonely anymore."

"Who says I'm lonely?"

His brow rose at my defensive tone. His eyes watching me intently, watching my reaction. "Evie, I have known you for very few days now and I already know that you're more of a workaholic than I am. I've even talked to your boss about you-"

"You what?" My face goes slake and my eyes widen at his casual statement, "Why? Why, why would you do that?"

"I wanted to know more about the lovely Evangeline. I wanted to know what she does in her free time. I asked him if you had ever taken a day off. You want to know his answer?" His eyes bore into mine so intensely that it was like he could see right into my mind.

"I think I know the answer," I whisper.

"Of course you do! You have never taken a day off! No matter how damn sick you are. No matter how much you need to rest you don't." His hands gripped onto the blankets that I had slipped out of. James' kissable lips were set in a deep frown while his thick brows furrowed. "Tell me, why is that?"

I take a moment to think about my answer, not wanting to upset him more than he already is. "I am a working girl. I need to pay my-"

"I can help with that. It's no longer a reason. Try again Mrs.Evangeline."

"I don't want your help! I don't know where you suddenly got this idea that you can do this or that you can act as if you are the one in charge but let me tell you, Mister, you're not in charge. This is my house. This is my life. If I want to work while I am sick I have the godforsaken right to do so. If you have a problem with that then get the hell out. Get away from me." My finger stabbed at him as I blow. My breath coming out in angry pants.

He leaned back into the bed, grabbed my finger and pulled me down on top of him. I glared at him as I laid awkwardly on his chest.

"You're quite the cutie when you're angry." His lips turned up into a broad grin.

"It wasn't meant to be cute!" His grin only widens.

"Are you sure? You weren't just trying to entice me?"

"Why would I-" His lips were upon mine in mere seconds. My eyes widen as sudden action. James's hands wrap protectively around my waist, drawing me in closer as I melt into the warmth of the kiss. Tingles shooting through every inch of my skin.

His lips move with skilled precision against mine. Each movement sends a burst of heat through me. One of his large hands winds its way up my back and cups the back of my neck while the other pressed firmly on the small of my back. The pressure forcing my body to stay pressed against him, not that I'm complaining.

James' fingers lace through the hair at the nape of my neck before giving a light tug causing a low moan, muffled moan to leave my lips. He nips my lip playfully before letting his tongue plunge between my lips. My breasts swell with the need of his caress but he keeps his hands put while I moan into his mouth. Our tongues battling for dominance, a dominance that no one wins. There was practically steam rolling off the both of us as I leaned deeper into him.

My body reacts to his touch just as a child would candy. Shaking with excitement and need. Pure unfiltered need.

My hands wander over his large body, caressing and admiring every dip and divot. Before I knew it I have him shirtless beneath me. I look down at his surprisingly tattooed chest. An intricate black dragon stared at me lovingly from his hipbone all across his abs, up to his collarbone. The body slithering hypnotically over James' skin.

I couldn't help but envy that dragon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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