"are we having a baby now?"

253 4 1

(written by randxmthxughts)

"Babe?" I hear Shawn walking into the bedroom, so I sit up from my laying possible sition to see him properly.
He stands in front of the bed, hair still wet, shirtless, his grey sweatpants hanging low on his hips, as he tightly holds something small in his hand.
"Good morning, gorgeous" I smile and pat the spot next to me with my hand "Come up here, let's cuddle."
I see Shawn hesitating for a moment, and then looking down at his hand without saying a word.
"What's that?" I ask him pointing to his hand.
"I wanted to ask you the same question," he mumbles and then looks back at me.
I am not sure what to reply since I have no idea what is in his hand. For a few seconds, Shawn doesn't speak either but then reveals what's in his palm: my bottle of meds.
"Yeah?" I narrow my eyebrows not understanding what exactly he wants to know.
"What is this, babe?" he holds up the bottle in the air so I could see it better, but I am already well aware of what is that.
"My birth control pills. Why?"
"Is this why you asked me to stop using condoms?" he sits down on the edge of the bed, throwing the bottle on the sheets.
"Yes. Is there anything confusing?" I ask.
"There is because you've told me to stop using condoms and never explained why."
"I told you that I've been to a gynecologist and that she was the one who recommended me to stop using condoms. She also said-" I cut myself, leaving the unnecessary information out and get straight to my point, "Why does it even matter?"
"I remember that you were going to visit a gyne..." he stops for a second not recalling the proper name but continues shortly after "whatever... The doctor. And you told me to stop using condoms. And know I am finding out you're using birth control pills? What's the point?"
"I don't get why you are so confused. I was prescribed birth control pills 'cause they're safer than condoms. And I've thought that it would be better if I took some pills instead of us using condoms every single time. Does that make sense or not?" I raise up my eyebrows.
Shawn stays silent for a few seconds, then opens up his mouth.
"Wait. So these are for what?" he points out to the bottle of meds.
"Shawn" I sigh a little disappointed "they're to replace condoms. They prevent pregnancy. Shawn" I can't help myself but shake my head.
"Oh.." he looks at the bottle once again taking it into his hands to have a better look "I've thought you asked me to stop using condoms because you've wanted to get pregnant." he looks down at the meds.
"What?" I choke, "Why would I want to get pregnant now, Shawn? I would have discussed it with you."
"I didn't think there was anything to discuss. To be honest, I would never say no if you wanted to have a baby. With me." he looks up at me a little embarrassed.
"I would never say no too, honey, but it's not the time."
"Why not?" he raises his eyebrows remaining completely serious which makes my heart melt a little.
"You serious, Shawn?" I smile at him.
"Yeah, I am." he nods.
"Ugh, well, because we are too young to have a baby. I don't think we're quite there in our relationships."
"We've been dating for so long, and I for sure know you're the one for me. And I would be the happiest guy in the world if you got pregnant."
"Shawn. We're not ready, babe. I haven't distinguished myself in life yet, and you're too busy to have a baby on the side. We haven't even properly moved in together. We're not even married."
"I don't get it" he shakes his head, "didn't you want our child to be present at our wedding?"
"I've never said that," I reply confused. His words were out of nowhere; I had never heard him or myself say anything like that.
"I thought that's what you wanted. To have a baby and then marry a few years later to have our child holding the rings or something. You know? That's why it made sense that you wanted to get pregnant now." he says while nervously playing with the lead of the bottle.
"Wait, where did you even get this idea?"
"You told me it was adorable that Richard's daughter was the one holding the rings on his wedding?"
"I mean, yes, it was adorable, but it doesn't mean I want that as well" I shrug my shoulders "I am surprised you've memorized that."
"I was thinking of that for a while, to be quite honest" he looks at me once again pronouncing the words slowly as if testing my reaction.
His words made me jump a little. I would have never thought that Shawn thinks we are ready to be parents. Of course, it is nice to know that he wanted to have a baby with me right now and he never questioned whether it was the right time or not, but I would never think he takes this so seriously.
"I love you" I burst out amazed at the thought of him being so sure in becoming a dad.
"I love you too" he leans in and kisses my forehead.
I slide my arms around him and hug him as close as I can. I feel his warmth fulfilling my whole body, and I can't fight the silly smile appearing on my face.
"You're too sweet. You'll be an amazing dad, Shawn" I whisper and feel him tightening his grip on my waist.
"I gotta admit; you'll be the better parent to them, but I will be the coolest dad ever" he chuckles, and I can't help myself but laugh.
"To them?" I point out to his words.
"Yeah. Two boys and one baby girl." he casually shrugs his shoulders, amazing me one more time in the past fifteen minutes.
"Oh my god, how far have you planned this whole thing?" I lean back a little to see his face.
"Ugh, 'til age seven of our first kid. I want to start the guitar lessons properly when one of them is seven. Should be right?" he asks, "I mean for them to start playing."
"You are incredible, Shawn Mendes" I laugh and lean back into his body giving him short kisses on his left shoulder, collar bones and moving up to his neck.
He steals one of the kisses and deepens the kiss by sliding his tongue into my mouth.
"So, are we having a baby now?" he asks immediately after I break the kiss and lower my head to kiss his neck again.
"No." I giggle in between giving him small kisses. He fake-sighs which makes me laugh even more and lays on me with his body, throwing the sheets on us, finding my lips with his.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2018 ⏰

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