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Jungkook POV

Why they fuck do they all look so scared?

"Jungkook. Don't panic at what I'm about to tell you." Namjoon said.

"Kay..." I'm still super confused.

"You're the only werewolf that was born as a werewolf. You're basically stronger than even us. You can kill us in like 0.2 seconds if you really wanted to." Namjoon explained.

"But my parents were human. Well I don't even know if they can be considered as my parents. But my brother was a werewolf, I think." I answered.

"A purebred's blood is the richest there is. That's how even after months of not eating your still alive. Your body can handle that kind of pain. Even when your father abused you, you managed to wake up afterwards because your body is much stronger. Most werewolves die when they're exposed to silver but you can survive it. Your birth parents must've been werewolf's if you became a purebred." Jimin explained.

"I'm still lost but I'm not gonna kill you guys or anything. You're probably ten times stronger than me so I don't even think it's true but if it is then whatever." I yawned and closed my eyes after I laid down on the couch.

I almost fell asleep but thanks to Jin washing dishes I didn't.

"Jungkook just try to sleep. Nothing's gonna happen. I promise." Jhope and Jimin smiled at me. They took me to some room and left. I just tried to ignore the feeling in my stomach and laid down. I felt at peace and stopped worrying for a second until I actually fell asleep.

Jungkook's Dream

"Jungkook. I love you so much. Don't worry bout those dumb kids at school. The principal will help with that, Okay?" My mother spoke to me. I nodded my head and wiped my tears away.

We both started to walk to the school because dad took the car. I was holding her hand when we had walked towards a crowd. We had to push our way around but made it through.

My school was close to a bad part of town. We had walked through many alleyways and I noticed there were about 3 guys following us.

My mom stopped and turned around.

"Do you guys have a problem or something? Stop following us." One of the men had whistled.

The other two were cracking their knuckles like they were about to fight. I furrowed my brows together and hid behind my mother.

"Grab the kid." The tallest one ordered and one of the two had tried to grab me. I ran but they got me.

They put a sharp object against my neck and whispered in my ear.

"Don't worry kid. Me and the other guy won't hurt you. I want you to run away, Okay? I'll see you again soon. I promise." He sneakily kissed my forehead but I was still petrified.

Let's just say I really hate skinship. My mother was yelling at the tallest man while the other was staring at me with pity in his eyes. It was like he knew what was about to happen.

"Okay when I count to 3 you need to run. 1... 2... 3!" He said and let me go.

I grabbed my moms hand but she wasn't moving.

I saw the man in front of her pull out a gun. He shot her in an instant.

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