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Jungkook POV

"Do you even know how long it took us to find just a trace of the gut? You were taken off the grid and weren't anywhere to find. It was an entire cycle of pain all over again." Yoongi crept closer towards me angrily. I instinctively flinched and tried backing away.

"Oh... oh my god... what did he do to you?" He whispered, trying to cease my whimpering.

"I-I'm not allowed to say..." The whimpering was about to develop into tears.

"He isn't here to stop you, it's just me." Lies.

It's always lies.

"He h-hurt me everywhere..." I began zoning out, thinking of everything that he'd done.

"How?" Yoongi brushed his hand through my hair, causing me to calm down.

"He b-beat me and w-would touch m-me, and if I d-didn't listen, he'd t-take more b-b-blood..."

"Wait, blood?" He mumbled, confused.

I didn't answer as my mind went into a state of panic and all I could imagine was the same needles taking out litres of my blood daily.

There was blood everywhere. I stared into my hands only to see them with blood.

"Jungkook... there's nothing to hurt you anymore..." No... anything and everything hurts me.

"But what if he finds me again? What if he hurts you? What if-?"

"There is no way in hell that you are ever getting near him again. He can't get in here without being killed. No one can get out except us." He held a determined look on his face.

"Hyung... I needed to ask you something..." I was hesitant.

"Go for it."

"You remember Rose and Jisoo people, right," He nodded. "Well... did you kill them?" I tried making eye contact to see if he would reply with the truth or lie.

"Jungkook.... I put them 12ft underground when they lied to you. I got the truth and then killed them." I was about to smile but gave up and asked another question.

"Can't I go see anything of theirs?" I whined.

"No, see the thing is..

When I say, no one can get out except us, it means that, you can't get out. To simply state it, you aren't going to get outside, ever again."

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