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Joshua POV

I felt something staring at me and my body became all stiff. I slowly opened my eyes only to see Jungkook in hybrid form with bright yellow eyes.

I knew it.

He was the purebred.

All normal werewolves (like me) have either black, purple or green eyes.

A purebred on the other hand can have yellow, orange or a mix of both colours.

Its one of the obvious signs.

I gave a small smile when I saw his expression.

I still can't believe he killed Sunmi and Taemin.

He finally got rid of them.

Those 2 always used my debt against me and acted as if they weren't doing anything wrong.

But you don't know how many people they've killed just to get where they were.


"H-hey J-Jungkook." I coughed.

"You're a... what? When? Why?" He said as he helped me sit up.

"Long story short, I became a werewolf and I'm supposed to protect any purebred that I see. It's what any werewolf is supposed to do. I only ever bullied you because I wanted to be powerful but when you came back to the school, I realized that I can't change what happened and that you were chosen. Not me. So now I'm supposed to protect you from some danger that I don't even know about."

He didn't say anything. I looked around and saw Jimin growling at me with red eyes.

Are they all werewolves to?

He shook his head and held Jungkook's shoulder.

I was watching wondering if he was a werewolf or something else.

"Let's go Jungkook." He nodded his head towards Jungkook and I swear I saw some red in his usually bright yellow eyes.

"Joshua? Can you make it back home?"

"Yeah I'll manage. Just get home safe, okay? I'll explain everything later on."

He waved goodbye and left with all of his 'friends.'

Oh wait...

Don't tell me that they're vampires.


A purebred can't be near vampires unless it wants to become hybrid.

And those things are uncontrollable.

I widened my eyes when I realized that it was true.

I'm getting him away from them.

He can be killed at any moment.

I slowly limped my way to Mingyu's place since he lived closer to this place.

I had to tell him that I found out about Jungkook but he might hurt him.

Oh who cares? He can't hurt the one who saved him awhile ago.

Jungkook POV

"Don't get close to him Jungkook unless you want to see my bad side."

"But why?"

"Just cause. You'll listen to us right?"

"Yeah but just tell me why. Please."

"He isn't as nice as he seems."


"Do you know who sent those people to kill your birth family?"

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