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Not proofread:)
Namjoon POV

"DON'T TOUCH ME! STOP IT!" I recognized Jungkook's voice.

I looked around frantically trying to find someone that was trying to attack and couldn't find anything.


Someone was thrown to the ground not far from where I was. I snuck behind them and my eyes started to get used to the dark.

Jungkook was on the ground half way dead (actually) while some masked guy was about to shoot him with silver bullets.

I chucked him to the ground and beat the shit out of him. If it wasn't for the lights turning back on, this guy would've been dead.

"H-Hyung..." Jungkook started crying a bit. I sat next to him and held him close.

"It's okay Kook. I'm right here."

"It hurts."

"What hurts?" I asked softly.

"I've been alone for a year without anything great happening to me."

"You won't be alone ever again, I swear."

"Hey? I hate to interrupt this super cheesy moment but I'm still tied up here."

"Oh yeah... Who the fuck are you aanyways?"

"None of your god damn business."

"Yoongi hyung?" Jungkook suggested.

"Yoongi hyung." I agreed.

"YOONGI HYUNG!!!" We shouted at the same time.

"What do you want?!" He shouted angrily.

"Can you um like find out who exactly this bitch is before I kill him for attacking my faceu?" The guy went pale.

"Ugh Fine." He groaned and walked down the stairs from what I assumed was Kook's room.

"Kay kid. What's your name?"

"Not saying."

"Okay Not saying hi. Tell me why you attacked my boyfriend." Wait wait wait.


The fuck?

When? Where? Why?

I was supposed to ask Jungkook out first.

"That ain't my name. It's Taeyong."

He groaned angrily when he realized that he just told us his name.

Jungkook went pale when he heard that name.

Who exactly is this Taeyong guy?

"And he knows exactly who the fuck I am." Jungkook suddenly gripped him by the neck and snarled, showing off his extremely sharp fangs.

"Why the fuck did you show up exactly after 6 years?"

"Says the one who disappeared from Busan for 9 years."

"That ain't important. Now talk before I make you regret even showing up." He noticed some microphone attached to his sleeve when he tried throwing Jungkook off of him. He then threw the earpiece towards me.

"Put then in my room. I'll study them later." I left and came back a couple seconds later.

"So we can do this the easy way or the hard way. You choose."

"What's the easy way?"

"Tell me what I want and I'll let you go." Liar... but he's so amazing at it....

"But don't tell me... then I guess you'll be dead sooner rather than later." 

"I'm not saying nothing about my shit."

"Fine." The guy had blacked out after a punch thrown by Jungkook.

He dragged him to the basement and locked him up, making sure there weren't any escapes.

"Mind explaining who he is?"

"Psycho ex."

We all sighed in response.

"Hey come here for a second." Jimin said. I let them be alone since I knew what they were going to talk about.

"Jimin can you grab the- PARK JIMIN!" I heard Jin hyung yell.

Scratch that... all of Korea heard him.

"Jin hyung... you just had to ruin the moment." Jimin whined.

"Says the one trying to ruin my baby's innocence." Jin probably kissed his forehead softly. Jungkook had snuggled into his chest but I could imagine the smirk on Jin's face over his win and Jimin's pout.

"You wanna eat now or do something else?"

"E-Eat." I started preparing the table.

They were both shocked at his answer but smiled nonetheless.

I smiled... but brighter.

"Let's go then."

I glanced at Jungkook every now and then and all I saw was him staring at the basement door the entire time we were eating.

Who exactly is this Taeyong guy and why is he basically throwing Jungkook off track?

It seemed far from suspicious... I had to figure out this problem and solve it myself, right away to.

"Jungkook!" He jumped when he saw and heard a concerned Hoseok.

"Why do you keep staring at the door?"

"It's just... never mind... really long story."

"Okay then..." I stopped believing your lie the minute you were attacked by this guy.

And why did Jungkook become so scared when he knows he can kill him in two seconds?

Plus Jungkook is the hybrid that can't be killed easily... so why exactly does this man scare him so much?

I studied Jungkook's features as he smiled with us as we conversed.

At first, I was getting some weird vibes around me like anxiety but it was really sensible.

Now, it was the only feeling that flooded into my system and I immediately figured out who exactly had been feelings anxious.

It was none other then...

Jeon Jungkook.

"Why are you nervous Jungkook?"


"Why are you so anxious?"

"C-Cause of h-him..." he motioned to the door before looking back at me.

"What did he do to you?" I growled without even realizing and Jin had to hold my shoulder back so I wouldn't go kill the man as soon as I found out...

"H-He was the one who r-raped me a few years back."

Well I won't go into detail over what was about to happen but let me just say...

All hell broke loose.

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