Time Travel Crisis 3

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(May I remind y'all that this is Their Kid au[my au] and That in this AU Tord never left in the first place. But he still has an army and will do the scenario in the Edd. Okay.


No one's P.O.V

Edd took a sip of his cola as he looks over at Tom and Tord who had Tamori on his lap.

"Tho if I must say.. she does look a lot like both of you." He commented while pointing at the three. Tamori smiled to herself, 'see?! You really don't belive me?' She thought.

She had already told all of them that she was from the future just a minute ago.. Matt and Edd believe her but the other two..? Were still processing what's happening.

"Hey yeah.. but she does look a lot like Todd.. with the hair horns." Matt joined in with Edd as he scratched his chin.

"No, Matt. Her eyes? She's a lot like Tom. With the hair color and her skin tone as well." Edd remarked at Matt.

"Yeah, but she looks more a lot lik--"

"I told you guys! I'm from the future! Tom and Tord made me with their DNAs!! This is the reason why I look a lot like them!" Tamori interrupted as she looks up to Tord then to Tom.

Tom sighed in defeat, "So.. if you're my 'kid'.. do you have anything that I have?" Tom asked as he crossed his arms and looks over at Tord then glared.

Tamori holds up her Tomee in front of Tom,

"You gave me Tomee bear Mommy." She explained, Tom gasped in shock before going back to his resting bitch face.

"okay.. First. Don't call me 'Mommy'. Second.. You probably just happen to have a teddy bear that looks like mine. Anything else?"

At this point Tom was nervous as heck.

"What? You mean about your Monster DNA?" Tamori replied,

"What?" All the others questioned in unison,

"Well no. In the future you died and I had to bring you back so I gave you back the Monster DNA by--" Tom covered Tamori's mouth as he started to sweat.

"Alright kid. You win." Tom said in defeat now he believes that Tamori was their 'daughter'.

"I'm not convinced. This kid just might be crazy." Tord interrupted as he looks down at Tamori and glared at her.

"Oh well, then I'd better tell you that when Mommy here died. You actually spent nights figuring out how to get revenge against the Yellow army with your Army." Tamori said with an annoyed tone and crossed her arms.

All the other three in the room looked at Tord like he was a ghost or something, "army?" The others questioned in unison.

"Yeah! And you guys were in his Army to--" Tord covered Tamori's mouth,

"Okay. Okay. You got me." He said, Tamori smiled at him while the others looked at each other. Edd and Matt gasped,

"So that means.. Tord and Tom fell in love?!" Edd and Matt squealed as they walked to the other two.

"I guess the more you hate.. the more you love is true~" Edd cooed as he winks at Tom who was blushing deep red. Tom grabs his hoodie and covered his face in embarrassment.

While Tord looks at him with a smirk, "aww Jehovah. Are you in love with me now?" He cooed at Tom as he leaned closer to him.

"Actually I would love to point out that you were the one who begged Mommy to take you back after you broke up with him and decided that your Army is more important. You were even the one who kept asking for sex, Daddy."

Tamori remarked while giggling. Tord jolted up in surprise before realizing to himself that Tamori was in fact smart, sarcastic, witty and an open minded girl.

A blush creeped across his face, "so you really are our child, huh?" Tord whispered as he patted Tamori's head.

"Well it was quite obvious Tord." A Older and Taller Edd said. This made Tom, Tamori, and Tord shot their glances back to Matt and Edd. But instead seeing their friends... they saw an older version of Edd in between them.


"WHY ARE YOU BACK HERE?!" Edd yelled at the older Edd. As he steps back in defence "Psshh.. I only came here for something you have."

"UNCLE EDD!!" Tamori yells in excitement as she puts her arms in the air.

"Tammy!!" Future Edd runs to Tamori with open arms but was stopped when Matt and Edd stood in his way.

"Are you gonna hurt her?!" Edd asked,

"What? No? We're here to take her back?" Future Edd replied,

"'We'?" All the others questioned in unison,

"Yes, 'We'" a familiar voice said from behind before Tamori was pulled upwards. Tom and Tord stood up and turned around to see Future Tom and Future Tord hugging Tamori. They looked like a very happy family,

"And here I thought you were single.." Tom said,

"Nah, he's with me." Future Tord replied and kissed Tom's cheek lovingly,

"Wait.. since you didn't time travel with future Edd, Tom and Matt the last time.. why do you have those scars and.. an eye patch and.. Robot arm?" Tord asked while the others nodded,

"Oh you know.. because of what you'll be doing in the future. That you'll regret deeply." Future Tord replied, Tord was about to ask again but Future Matt walks inside, averting all attention to him.

"Sir, we should get going. The machine is going low on battery." Future Matt said,

"And I still look old.." Matt commented with a low voice.

"The machine needs batteries? Damn." Future Tord cursed,

"Language." Future Tom and Tamori said, glaring at Future Tord. This made Tom and Tord look at each other and blush.

"Well we should get going. Thanks for not burning Tamori before we got here." Future Tord finished before all of the other Future men ran outside.

Tamori hugged her Daddy close,

"Was it fun being with them?" Her Mommy asked as he chuckled,

"Well... let's just say.. I felt like an idiot with them as well."

With the present~

The room was silent... before Edd had an idea

"Weeeeell then! Look at the time! Looks like I have something to do!! I must get going!!" Edd said as he walked outside, Matt played along as well, "ooooohh!! Yeah! I'm busy toooooo!" Matt said before following Edd and closing the door.

Leaving Tom and Tord alone.

Both are blushing because of what they have just witnessed.. the moment Future Tord kissed Future Tom's cheek and how they hugged Tamori together kept on replaying in their minds.

"We made a family..." they both said in unison before looking at each other.



Their hearts were beating fast and their thoughts were rising..


Finally they couldn't take the awkwardness anymore,

"You know what. Fuck you." They said to each other before walking in their separate ways. While still repeating the scenes in their head again and again.


No part 4 :D love you all

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