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I had ended up falling asleep, and i dreamt of edd.

I dreamt of telling edd my feelings for him, and it all ended horribly. I see him fade away. He didn't even say a word to me..

I wake back up, you thought about my dream, then started to cry once again. Ever since edd passed, all i could do was cry. How is it that everyone else had let it go so quickly? Unlike me, who just can't get over anything at all, can i?

I hugged my pillow, sobbing softly, whispering things to myself. Like 'he's not gone, this is just a dream' and 'edd, i love you'

I just repeated those words over, and over, and everytime i repeat, i just cry harder.

And soft whimpers escaped my mouth again.

'This is just a dream. I'll wake up tomorrow, and edd will still be here' you tried to convince yourself that.

But there was a part of you, that said 'this is real life. Edd is gone- and it is all your fault'

After almost an hour, i stopped crying.
I hide as much evidence to me crying as i can.

I was going to go take a walk for a bit. To calm myself, get edd of my mind, and try to relax.

I get my shoes on, and head downstairs, then to the front door.

I placed my hand on the handle, and then- "(Y/N)? Where are you going?"

You look behind you, and you see tom. What a surprise.

"O-oh, im just going out for a walk" i smiled weakly. It was the first i had smiled in a while

"Ohh. Can i come?" Tom grins weakly, he goes over to me, giving me those puppy eyes.

I already said no to tom earlier, so i decided that i should let him tag along. "Uhm, yeah. Sure"

I could've sworn i saw a sparkle in his eye. "Oh, ok!" He goes over to me.

Why does he seem so excited? He's just been acting a little off since edd died. And it got really weird after the funeral

I open the door, and we both head out. And start walking

It was a sunny day. The birds where chirping, it was not too cold, not too hot. Just a nice day- other than the few darker clouds miles away

"Its a nice day out, isn't it?" Tom asked, looking down at me

"Hm? Oh, yes. It's a lovely day" i nodded and looked ahead of me.

Tom sighs happily. "Its nice to get out. Then you can just get away from everything, and finally breathe" he stuck his hands in his pockets

"Mhm" i mostly just tried to stay silent. And besides, i wasn't planning on having black eyes here tag along

"And im sorry for saying no to you earlier.. I was just tired, and still trying to get over e-"

"I know. I understand" tom interrupted me. Oh well, im used to it.

"Its been hard for everyone. But there was really nothing we could do" tom shrugged

"Yeah... I guess so.." I whispered, looking down some.

And about twenty minutes, tom and i just talked about random stuff.

And oh look, its beginning to rain.

Tom looks up at the sky, "we should probably be getting home now" he mumbled

"Agreed" i also mumbled.

We started to walk home, and the rain just poured harder. Getting me a little cold, and soaked.

Tom looks down a me, seeing the situation i was in. "Oh, here" he took off his hoodie, revealing his 'stay safe' shirt.

He gave it to me. "Wear this. It'll keep you warm" he spoke lovingly

"Thank you- but, what about you? Won't you be cold?" I slipped the hoodie on. It was big. But nice and warm..

"Yeah. But that's not a big deal. I'll be fine. Besides, you need it more than me" tom smiled warmly gently nudging me.

I smiled shyly, "thanks again.." I whisper

"You're welcome. Cmon, lets get going home now" tom spoke

I nodded, and we start to walk home.

And tom wrapped an arm around me. I felt my heart beat just increase. Why was he doing that?

Yo. How's the book so far?

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