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Tom and i just got home. We got inside and i handed him his hoodie. He thanked me, and went to get changed out of his clothes.

I went to my room to do the same, closing and locking the door behind me.

I get myself out of my wet clothes, and get dressed into more comfortable clothes

After getting my shirt on, i feel something brush against my leg. I look down and see Ringo again.

"Hey, kitty" i whispered, kneeling down, and started to pet the little gray furball.

Ringo nuzzles into my hand, giving me a quick little lick with his sandpaper like tongue on my finger, before going back to nuzzling, and purring.

After about a minute of me petting him, he walked up to my door, and scratches it- wanting out.

And before he could create scratch marks in my door, i opened it up, letting him out.

Ringo prances over to edds old room. The rooms door was closed.

Ringo sat down at the door, and mewed. He would do that when edd was in his room, and wanted in to get attention from his favorite person.

But edd is gone.. And i forgot that Ringo was a cat. He doesn't know that edd is dead. But he has been acting a bit depressed when he can't find his person.

"Kitty..." I whisper, and walk up to ringo.

And when i did walk up to him, he stood up, tail high up in the air, and excitement in his eyes.
He thought i was going to let him in.
Which just shattered my heart.

"Kitty, edds not in there" i knew ringo wouldn't be able to understand me, but i just wanted to say that. Wether he understood, or not.

All i got was a blank stare for a moment. Before he turned back around, and scratches at the door to get in.

Nobody has entered the room since edds passing. And so... I opened the door.

Ringo ran into the room, a long obnoxious meow escaped his mouth, as he jumped onto edds old bed, expecting to find him there.

But no. There was no edd.

I felt my heart shatter more, as i see Ringo actually looking around to find edd.

I sigh shakily, and look around the room. It was quiet- other than ringos extremely loud purr

I walk further into the room. And i could smell the faint smell of cola.

I look down onto edds bed, and i see his sketch book, pencils, markers, hoodie, and an empty cola can.

I pick up his hoodie, and just hugged it. Trying not to cry again.

I heard a mew, and i see Ringo right in front of me, eyeing edds hoodie.

I put it down, and see Ringo climb onto the hoodie, and curl up into a little ball, purring, and kneading at the hoodie.

I look down at his sketch book, and pick it up. It had a dark green color, and it had edds name on it.

I sighed shakily, and open it.

The first drawing i see, is of his cat, ringo. Im going to admit, he wasn't the best at art. But his love for it just made me want to cheer him on as he drew these

I randomly turn to a page near the middle. And i see a picture if me, and edd. With little hearts scattered around the page. And it said, 'i love (Y/N)' at the bottom right corner.

I wanted to cry, i wanted to scream, i wanted edd back even more. Seeing that by this drawing, he liked me back.

I felt even worse, knowing that he died before either of us could confess to each other.

I close the sketch book, pick up Ringo, and leave the room quickly. Closing the door behind me

This may just be my saddest chapter XD

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