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Thought of from the song Criminal by Britney Spears

Karma is a criminal


Nagisa's POV

I'm in love with him.

Karma, Karma Akabane.

A criminal wanted all over Japan.

Despite it all, I love him.

And here's how it all happened~


3rd POV

A long, blue haired boy was trekking his way home from a long day of school. It was near sunset, his class had been on a field trip for the day.  It was a relatively normal day for the sophomore, Shiota Nagisa — that is, until he showed up.

A mercury eyed boy strolled up behind the twin tailed boy and wrapped his arm around him as he walked by his side. The crimson haired boy smirked at the crystal blue eyed boy who, at the time, was utterly petrified. Nagisa blushed at the infamous criminal's hold of his arm — but not because he was in love — it was because an extremely dangerous person was touching him! Walking by his side, nonetheless! He was in shock, not to mention embarrassed. The tall teenager introduced himself, "I'm Akabane Karma, but your facial expression tells me that I didn't need to introduce myself~"

Nagisa remained quiet and kept walking as Karma clutched on to him. On their way walking, Karma kept making jokes about the shorter of the two but the young Shiota remained calm, however continuing to freak out in his head. They were walking by a cliff that had a deep lake at the bottom of it, approximately 40 feet high. Policemen suddenly appeared, chasing behind them as they had been told to bring Akabane dead or alive. They yelled for the two to halt, but when the mischievous red head refused and continued dragging Nagisa along, they brought out their guns.

  As they shot, the bullets went towards Nagisa. Karma pushed Nagisa and himself into the water. Neither of them were hurt luckily from the 40 foot drop, but Nagisa swallowed water accidentally and started coughing, not being able to breathe.

"Blueberry!" Karma exclaimed the young boy's new nickname since he wouldn't surrender and give up his personal information, as the police shot at them from above. Nagisa panicked more and hyperventilated, no longer being able to swim; he began to drown. Karma then swam behind Nagisa and held onto his shirt from behind,  pulling them to a luckily relatively nearby shore.

Karma got himself and Nagisa to land, then ran and hid somewhere with the feminine looking boy so the policemen couldn't catch them. Shiota had passed out from the amount of water he was swallowing and couldn't get enough oxygen, so Karma lied Nagisa down and began pumping his hand on the boy's chest to make him get the water out of his lungs.

'Why is it that I can't have one good conversation with people without getting them hurt or getting them caught up in my shit?  Damn I've gotta go soon. If he dies... He was so cute looking though, that'd be a shame now, wouldn't it,' Karma thought as Nagisa choked up the water and shot up,  awake.

He looked at the crimson haired boy and thought,  'He doesn't have his typical smirk that I saw earlier and see all over posters and videos around town.. Could it be that he was actually worri- of course not. Why would I think that? Why would I care? '

They stared at each other until Karma went to speak and Nagisa cut him off, "Why are you here?"
(K)"Wh- oh. You speak."
(N)"Why me?"
(K)"What do you mean?"
(N)"Why come to me, be around me? I'm going to jail just for talking to you."
(K)"So that's why you wouldn't answer then.."
(N)"Well duh, Idiot. Why would I want to talk to a criminal?"
(K)"I'm your hero"
(K)"I saved your life just now"
(N)"You were also the reason I could've lost it."
(K)"... "
(N)"... "
They stared at each other silently for a while; Karma with a pitiful and sincerely calm look, Nagisa with an angry, 'I'm going to fucking murder you with your own hands if you get any closer' look.
"So.." Karma tried to start a conversation as his voice died out in the awkwardness of hatred being shown in the boy he saved's eyes.
"So? Is that really something you should be saying right n-" Nagisa started but was cut off by the criminal.
"What's your name? You still haven't told me," the golden eyed boy's sincere eyes stared deeper into Nagisa's eyes.

The snake-resembling boy's bloodlust shattered as red scattered across the surface of his cheeks. He shook his head to snap out of it and stood up swiftly. "Wouldn't you like to know," he said snobbily and began to walk away.

"Well, yeah," Karma started, "that's why I asked after all." He grabbed Nagisa's bag and handed it to him carefully.

(N)"Quit the damn act, Criminal!"
(K)"I have a name, you know. And what act?"
(N)"Being all soft, the eye contact and the sincerity in it, saving me."

"That isn't acting, Little Mouse, that's just you realizing..." Akabane winked, "I'm not all that bad."
"As if," Shiota scoffed and swung his soaked bag over his shoulder. "You're just being a stupid flirt!"
"Are you..." He edged his way closer with a smirk, "afraid of me?"
The blue headed boy felt his face start to heat up. "Me? Scared of you? No way!"
"You know, if I wanted to kill or rob you I would've done it already. I didn't have to save you, y'know," Akabane shrugged smugly and backed away from Shiota.

(N)"Then what do you want?!"
(K)"A name would be nice."
(N)"Yeah, right."
(K)"Come on, I'm asking you as politely as possible!"

Nagisa stormed out of the hiding place Karma had hid them in from the police. The men had gone off, so Nagisa was safe to walk. Karma watched him bolt away and his hands formed fists.

'Can't I have one talk, one friendship — no — one relationship without screwing up? Yeah I steal and threaten people, what gives! A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do to survive!' The teenager thought.

Karma lied back, relaxed, with a confident grin. 'Nah, don't worry Akabane. You're gonna find that kid again. You're gonna get his name and you're gonna get his trust. I want to feel something, you know? Being this alone—shut up, you're getting sappy! That's lame! It's true though. My parents never gave me love, I want to know what it's like to be loved. And I will,' a determined look struck Karma's face.

'I'm coming, Blueberry. Don't  worry, you'll see me soon ~'

A/N hey, I've been writing this for months. Since around December? And here is the first part! Stay tuned and I hope you enjoyed!

Published March 26, 2018 - 10:05pm

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