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The days went on. Many more weeks passed by. Karma hadn't seen Nagisa often. Maybe once every two to three weeks. Normally he'd prefer to be alone, but now he longed for the Shiota's presence.

Nagisa wanted to see him too, but he was busy with school — not to mention having to deal with his abusive mother.

Akabane considered that the blue head may still hate him, and it made him sick to his stomach at the thought.

One afternoon, Karma went to Nagisa's house — in disguise obviously, so no one recognized him. He peeked through the window and saw the blue eyed boy working hard at homework. He watched him for a while, smiling bashfully, then Miss Shiota came.

'Oh yeah, that was his mom right? i had to hide from her last time I came here,' the red head thought.

(M)"Nagisa-Chan! Darling, I have the prettiest outfit planned out for you to wear to the festival!"
(N)"Mother, I'm working. May we discuss this later?"
(N)The boy stood up swiftly, "Mother, no-"
(M)"SHUT IT!" She grabbed his twintails and threw him across the floor, panting and huffing angrily.

The young boy sat up and rubbed his head, feeling blood drip down as he flinched in agony.
"So It's a red and black checkered mini skirt with a few stripes of pink, and a black top and a pink small bow on it. It also has two matching bows for you to wear your hair up if you wanted, black stalkings and heels. It also has two red band-type things that go on your wrist. It'll bring out your eyes! Boys will love it!" she said smiling, as if none of it had happened. She gasped and jumped for joy, "Maybe, Darling, you could get your first boyfriend!"

Karma, watching all this through the window, was angry and vengeful. Who dare hurt his — er, his what? What was Shiota to Akabane?

'You mess with Blueberry, you mess with me. And hell no would you wanna mess with me. You've barked up the wrong tree, Bitch. This doesn't involve Nagisa now, this shit's between you.. And me.." went the red head's current and explosive thoughts.

'What are you doing to me? Is it magic? I... Care... For another human? What is this? Empathy? Sympathy? Ew.. Feelings. Ugh I hate feelings. They're such a pain in the ass. They make you all stupid. I've got business here, I have no time to get all weird over this Blueberry. Where's my apathy gone?' said Karma's deeper thoughts — that he tried his hardest to ignore.

Nagisa just nodded at his mother's words, there was no winning against her. She left the room happy as can be and Karma couldn't hold it. He ran into his house and went to Nagisa, hugging him in a protecting manner.

Nagisa had been surprised at first, but leaned on Karma after settling down.

(N)"You saw it all, didn't you..."
(K)"Goddamn it, Nagisa! You make it seem like none of that was a big deal, or like you didn't want me to kn-"
(N)The blue haired boy covered his mouth and whispered "Sshhh, my mother will hear you."

Some time passed, the boys talked in his room for privacy from his mother.
(N)"Are you going to the festival tonight?"
(K)"That immature carnival crap? I'll pass."
(N)"It's fun though! Going with someone's fun, it's a good way to strengthen bonds between-"
(K)"So you're asking me out?~ You wanna get to know Mister Criminal?~"

Nagisa blushed deeply and looked away, "Keep your damn voice down! And no, I never said that! You make such idiotic assumptions."
Karma smirked. He turned Nagisa's head to face him and leaned in close, his goal being to fluster Nagisa — in which, he did not fail to succeed. Next, he took out the boy's twin tails then began walking away, leaving the Shiota with his hair down, blushing madly. "We've got a hypocrite over here, folks!" Karma laughed as he walked out.

Regaining his control and ending his fluster, Nagisa went to get washed up and then finished his work.

Finally, it was time for the festival. There'd be games, food, dress up; it'd be fun!

Nagisa had no friends to go with, so he went alone. He wore the outfit his mother picked out for him.

(which, if you've seen the show you know what I'm talking about, looks like this:

(which, if you've seen the show you know what I'm talking about, looks like this:

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So, the young and feminine looking boy wandered around. He sat at a bench at around 9 o'clock because he got tired of walking. Nagisa was bored now since it was night and he was alone. Nagisa looked around, not really knowing what he was searching for. He saw a suspicious figure creeping around to the dumpsters behind the festival, near the bench he was sitting at.

Nagisa listened to the sound of his voice as the figure spoke to himself frantically. The blue eyed boy recognized that it was Karma's voice even though he was in disguise and he decided to sneak up to him.

He put on a round, yellow mask with small pupils and a wide crescent smile on it. This was the face of another wanted criminal. People knew him as Koro, and since the festival was a creepy theme, masks of Koro's face were everywhere.

Nagisa snuck behind Karma and poked him, Karma became petrified to the point that he was immobilized by the surprise and fear. Was this boy some natural born assassin?

Karma turned around quickly after the moment of surprise and pulled out a knife, "Just give me some more time! I'll have your money soon, man!"

"Karma, i-it's me, Shiota Nagisa.." Nagisa spoke timidly as he took off the mask, wide eyed. It was dark, so they couldn't see each other's faces.
"Nagisa.." Karma started, "I'm sorry. You shouldn't 've seen that."

(N)"What was it about? Are you in debt to someone?"
(K)The mercury eyed boy muttered "More like someTHING."
(N)"What's going on with you?"
(K)"Nothing. It'll be over with soon. Let's just enjoy the festival, shall we?"
(N)"I thought it was all 'immature carnival crap.'"
(K)"Oi! You wanna hang out of not?"
(N)The shorter boy hugged the boy with golden eye's arm, "Okay, okay! I wanna hang out."
(K)"That's what I thought~"

A/N I hope you enjoyed! Took me another 6 days, but I worked hard, adding more and more each day!

Published April 3, 2018 - 9:56pm

Criminal With A Heart ~ KarmagisaWhere stories live. Discover now