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The redhead decided to stay in town the next few weeks and get more business done there. He roamed, hid, and robbed for the next three weeks.

One of these days he went to rob a cash register at the grocery store. He had a black hoodie on and things to disguise himself. Before walking inside, he looked through the window at the cashier and at the two people in line. There was a woman buying groceries and the second person waiting in line was...


Karma rushed inside and when the first woman left he edged his way over to Nagisa and the cashier.

(C)"Nagisa! If it isn't my favorite bluenette!"
(N)"And my favorite cashier!"
(C)"So, how's Mrs Shiota doing?"
(N)"Eh, mom's difficult that's for sure," he giggled paid for the groceries.
(C)"Now you be careful out there young man," she helped him pick up his bags.
(N)"Will do," he smiled and walked out of the store.

The blue haired boy started making his way down the pavement side walk to get home. He began walking by an alley way.

"Shiota Nagisa, eh?" Karma smirked at Nagisa on the side walk as he hid in the dark of the alley way. Nagisa jumped, obviously alarmed, "Wh-who's there?"

"I think you know," he said calmly, coming out of the shadows. "You eavesdropped on the cashier and I for information didn't you!? Stay away creep!"

Karma gasped sarcastically, "you don't want to see me? Oh, but Nagisa, what ever will I do without you?"

"Quit it with that dumb act! You're a crim-" Nagisa was cut off by Karma pulling Nagisa into the alley way and putting his hand over the Shiota's mouth to silence him. "Cops," Karma muttered.

"mmph hm mm mmmph hm hmph," Nagisa tried to say something but Karma's hand blocked whatever it could've been. "This is why I should've gone. I knew they'd step up on security now that I've been spotted," Karma whispered annoyed.

When the cops left Karma took Nagisa's hand, walking to bring him somewhere. "I have to get these groceries to my house! Get lost, I don't want to see you."

Karma sighed, obviously fed up with Nagisa's attitude towards him. 'He's nice to others and not me! Bias, absolutely bias. Sure, I steal things but damn,'  Karma thought. Then he had an idea. He picked up Nagisa's bags and started walking with his disguise on still. "Hey! Where are you taking my bags!?"

(K)"Your house, of course. You just have to show me the way~ orrrr this was a very big loss of money and food."
(N)"I'm going to die for this," he growled and showed Karma the way to his house.

At the Shiota house, Nagisa put the groceries away and distracted his mother from seeing Karma.

At around one o'clock, Karma pulled Nagisa outside the house and covered his mouth because he was about to scream. "Relax, I'm not kidnapping you... Eh yeah I kinda am actually," he muttered as he kept Nagisa quiet and pulled him to a plain outside of the city. Nagisa was a city boy. He was always dealing with his mother and school, he never got out into nature much.

The sun was out, the sky had a few clouds scattered across the baby blue sky. The grass was vibrant green and had a happy healthy, lively look. A soft breeze blew by as Karma smiled at Nagisa. The blue eyed boy looked around, amazed. He let out a relaxed sigh and his tenseness slipped away.

Unfortunately for Shiota, Akabane decided to speak; resulting in ruining the mood. "You like it, Dream Boy?" he grinned.

Nagisa's face went red and he took a step back from Karma, scowling at him, "I like the nature but not you. I wish you'd go away and never come back!"

"Such strong words," he gasped sarcastically, "I do hope you don't mean them. After all, I'm going to win your trust and.."
Nagisa looked puzzled, "and, what?"
Karma smirked and laughed, "I'm studying you. You're obviously a curious little fella. You didn't even care that I said I'd win your trust, you only cared about what came after which was unsaid. You look for answers a lot, don't you."
The boy with blue eyes jumped a bit as the other boy approached him, "S-stay away! You have no idea what you're talking about!"

Karma rested his palms on Nagisa's shoulders and looked him in the eyes.
(N)"I'd let go if I were you," he showed bloodlust in his eyes.
(K)"Interesting, truly interesting."
(N)"I'm not a toy to play with or a puzzle to put together!" he slapped Karma's hands away.
(K)"You seem like something else to put together though," he paused to grab the blue haired boy's chin and aimed it at himself to where Nagisa was looking straight at Karma, "Maybe not a puzzle, but maybe shards of glass. Are you Broken?"
Nagisa gulped and hugged Karma's arm silently, looking down at the floor. Karma looked stunned, letting go of Nagisa's chin and allowing him to keep hugging his arm. The redhead felt his face heat up with blush, his chest started to feel light, his stomach started to churn.

'What is this feeling?' Akabane thought to himself.

(K)"Wh-what are you doing?"
(N)"This is what you want then, isn't it?"
(K)"Wh-what do you mean?"
(N)"You want love."

Karma froze, his heart beat increased, his stomach dropped, his eyes covered to the surface in tears, "What?"

Nagisa hugged Karma's arm to his chest tighter, "You want love, no one gives it to you. All you want is love, someone to care for you, and to survive.." The bluenette looked up at Karma.

(K)"What's up with the act?"
(N)"This isn't an act."

Karma smirked and tackled Nagisa playfully. "You little hypocrite," he grinned and tickled the blue haired boy. His laughter filled the air as the breeze blew calmly and trees swayed gently. The sun shined on the bluenette's skin as he giggled up at Karma.

'I wanted love for as long as I can remember. I didn't know anyone else felt the same. You're a criminal, but you don't seem that much of a threat to me. I'll be your friend, Akabane Karma,' Nagisa thought to himself.

The boy with golden eyes stopped tickling Nagisa as he looked into his eyes blushing.

'What is this feeling? Why is he so adorable and perfect? I could listen to his laughter for hours—Karma, what the hell? You idiot, don't think like that,' Akabane thought.

Karma stroked Nagisa's twin tails a bit before helping him up and looking towards the city. "I'll get you back home now."

A/N that's it for chapter two folks! I hope you enjoyed! This was a cute chapter to write since they've started building a connection and building understanding with each other.

Published March 28, 2018 - 6:37am

Criminal With A Heart ~ KarmagisaWhere stories live. Discover now