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Two weeks had passed; we were now on the first of April. Eighteen days away from Oliver's execution. I had seen Oliver every day, He refused to hardly speak to me. Hadn't spoken barely two sentences to me every day I was there. He never requested that I came to see him, the only time I got to see him was the required two hours a day to file on my report.

My heart was breaking with every day, we had only days until our final goodbye. I had spent every day at home sobbing myself to sleep, most days I had even forgotten to eat. My appetite seemed to have completely vanished, my reason for getting up every day was slowly diminishing. I wanted so badly to go to that cell, wrap my arms around him, feel his soft lips on mine. Feel the butterflies that erupt in my stomach with every touch, hear him tell me how he loves me.

Maybe I needed him more than he needed me. I feared every day that he would dismiss my position and request someone new, he hated me and I knew it. I hated myself.

I wanted, needed things to go back to normal. I don't think they ever will, he will be executed hating me. I will never hear those three words that I so needed to hear again, our story had ended. I destroyed everything. My whole life was going up in flames around me and I had nothing to extinguish it.

My office door opened and Henry stepped through, I looked up at him. My eyes tired and heavy, I don't know how much sleep I had had the last few weeks but I think I could count the hours on my fingers. I had seen more sunsets and sunrises in these weeks then I have ever in my life, sleep was impossible. Every time I closed my eyes all I could see was the hurt and sadness in Oliver's eyes, the pain in his voice.

"You need to meet with Jeremy" Henry gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Oh" I ran my hand down my face "How wonderful"

He walked over to me, placing his hand on my shoulders as I sat there, my computer screen still open on Oliver's file, the page blank as he hadn't asked for me yet. Henry sighed and squeezed my shoulder "It'll be okay"

"It won't" I huffed, printing off the week's file "I betrayed him in the worst way. I don't expect him to ever forgive me"

"Maybe it's for the best" Henry sighed as I grabbed the paper from the printer on the other side of my office.

"Wow! Thanks for that!" I snapped at him, sighing I shook my head "I'm sorry, I'm just...Tired. Emotionally, physically, just tired of nothing going right for me"

"Hey" Henry walked over and took the paper out my hands "I get it; you don't need to apologise. You ready?"

I nodded and we left the office together. I locked it up and followed Henry to his office, I looked at Oliver's cell as we walked past willing myself not to cry. Henry opened his office door and stepped aside to let me in, Jeremy was sat on the couches as usual.

"Afternoon, Chloe" He smiled at me before shuffling his paperwork on the table "Take a seat"

I fought the urge to turn my nose up at his obnoxious chirpiness. I walked over and sat on the couch adjacent to his, placing the printed file notes in front of him. He placed his glasses on his nose and proceeded to read through my notes, he nodded in places as he read. I knew the notes these past few weeks haven't shed a good light on Oliver. I was to blame for this.

"I see he's had a difficult week again?" Jeremy tucked my notes in the bind folder with all the others

I nodded "Yeah, he's not been too great"

"Any idea why?" He looked over the top of his glasses at me "Has he said anything?"

I shrugged "Something about finding out his girlfriend cheated on him with her ex-boyfriend"

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