Ticci Toby X Reader

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Thank you very much to @Kamjayde99 for requesting this!

Y/N Pov

I was on a killing spree with BEN.We had just finished off a family of 4.

"Pfh,thank god that's it for today!"BEN said wiping off some sweat from his forehead.

"Yep!I could do with a nap."I smiled.

BEN gave me a smirk.

"You know my bed is always free,princess!"BEN said winking at me.

My face heated up,I didn't know how to deal with BEN's peverted ways.

"No thank you."I said walking towards the door.

BEN jogged to catch up with me,putting an arm around my waist which I let him.

From there we talked on and on till we arrived at the mansion.

---(TIME SKIP)----

We arrived at the mansion and headed to BEN'S room.He said he had a new game he wanted to show me.

Toby's Pov

I was walking to my room with a plate of waffles.I'd usally always eat these with Y/N,as she LOVED them just as much as I did.

I knocked on her door.No answer.I knocked again.So I opened the door to only see an empty room.

I walked to Jane's room,because that's where all the girl (there's like 3...Clocky,Jamie and Y/N).I knocked on her door.

The door opened and Jane's head popped out.I could hear Clockwork singing karokate to 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' in the background.

"Y/N!WHER-Oh...Hi Toby!"Jane started shouting then calmed down realising it was me.

She stepped out of the room and closed he door behind her.

"Hi Jane!I was just wondering if you had seen Y/N?"I asked.

"No.She was supposed to come to my room an hour ago,but she still hasn't come.."Jane said.

"Ok,I was just wondering.."I said going back to my room.

On the way there I heard giggling,it was Y/N's laughter.

It was coming from BEN's room.

I gritted my teeth in anger,she only giggles when I tell jokes!And why is she in HIS room?!She knows he a fucked up pevert!!

I pushed the door down so hard it almost came off.

BEN and Y/N jumped at the door also being kicked down.They were both on the bed in an awkward position.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!"I screamed.

"Toby!Ever heard of knocking,you dumb fuck?!"BEN shouted at me.

Y/N slapped BEN over the head.

"Toby,let me exp-"Y/N started.

"Fuck you Y/N,and fuck you too BEN!"I yelled.

Then I ran to my room bumping into Clockwork and Jane on the way but I igorned them.

Jane's Pov

Me and Clock heard a shout and went to find out what it was.Toby ran past us,tears running down his face which I don't think he had noticed.

"What the hell?"Clockwork said to herself.

Y/N then came running behind him but we stopped her.

"Whoa girl,what's wrong?"I asked her.

She sighed deeply before answering.

"Toby think me and BEN are a thing.He saw us together and assumed we were doing stuff."She said sadly.

"Really,were you?"Clockwork asked receiving a slap over the head from me.

"You should tell him you like him!"I suggested.

"WAIT WHAT?!"Y/N gasped with a bright red face.

"Come one Y/N,it's obvious you guys like each other!"Clock said rolling her eyes and I nodded.

"Abousetly not!"Y/N said crossing her arms.

"Y/N,I think you fully understand!You and Toby NEED each other!"I said.

I grabbed Y/N'S hand and dragged her into my room,with Clock closely behind us and locked the door.

"Fine.."Y/N agreed.

----(TIME SKIP)--

Y/N had agreed to tell Toby tommrow,which me and Clock said alright to.But we couldn't help it.

"Y/N LIKES YOU!"I squealed to Toby.

"Lies.She probalay slept with BEN.."Toby said sadly.

"She didn't!She and BEN were just playing!"Clockwork said.

"Yeah,playing who can fuck me the hardest.."Toby grumbled.

"Toby,did you actually see their clothes off?"I asked him.

His eyes widened in realision.

---(TIME SKIP)---

Y/N Pov

I was out in the woods staring into the distant.I could finally breathe.

"It's beautiful out here,isn't it?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin.It was Toby.

"Wha- What are you doing here?"I asked him.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest,making me blush.He then placed he head into the crook of my neck.

"Clockwork and Jane...they told me everything.."Toby said.

His cold breathe hitting my neck making me shiver.

'I'll kill hem later..'I thought.

"Y/N,I'm sorry I told you to fuck off earlier.."Toby said looking up at me.

"It's fine..."I said.

A moment of silence went by.

"Y/N,would you like to go out with me?"Toby asked.

I nodded and leaned in for a kiss.




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